Phat v. Can Carbon Filters


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used both? If so, what are your thoughts in terms of a comparison? I have a Can 33, which I haven't used yet, but it takes up an awful lot of room at the top of my cabinet. I'm not inclined to switch it until I see how well it functions...BUT odor is a real issue and I'm interested in whether folks who have tried both think that the Phat is noticeably better at scrubbing perfumes. Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Well, if no-one has used both then Mayan and I will have to exchange results 'cos I've got a Phat Filter that I will be using soon for some Thai-Tanic that I'm soaking now. ;-)

We'll see who's lasts the longest.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hah! You are on! I have no reason to dislike the Can33, as I haven't seen (or smelled) it in action. It just takes up so much damn room in my poor little cabinet. And...who wouldn't be tempted by that Australian carbon?


Active Member
I need a REAL nice carbon filter or SOMETHING in combination that will ELIMIATE ALL ODORS, and keep it in my growing storage cabinet