Ph question


Well-Known Member
Why is that when i check pH in my res, it comes out higher when the water has been standing for a while and then drops when i circulate the nute solution for a while? Which is the correct ph? The settled water or the circulated?

Aqua Man

Well-Known Member
Circulate the water then use a cup to take a sample and measure the PH. Because of the way a PH pen works moving water can cause the PH reading to be lower so you want to measure still water that is mixed well for the most accurate reading. You can see this by putting your PH meter into your res in a low flow area then start swishing it around and the PH will drop and fluctuate


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

I thought so, but... had to

Startling drop though... from 6.7 to 5.9? Wow...
Your pens fucked. Get some 4.0/7.0 solution and calibrate it. There's usually a small turning dial for a flat head screwdriver you can adjust until it reads what the solution is rated for.

Aqua Man

Well-Known Member
Your pens fucked. Get some 4.0/7.0 solution and calibrate it. There's usually a small turning dial for a flat head screwdriver you can adjust until it reads what the solution is rated for.
I think he was referring to the drop in PH when you are swishing it around as opposed to still water. If not I am mistaken.


Well-Known Member
Your pens fucked. Get some 4.0/7.0 solution and calibrate it. There's usually a small turning dial for a flat head screwdriver you can adjust until it reads what the solution is rated for.
I dunno... it better not be. I paid the large for one of these a few months ago..

And i calibrate it almost weekly... because i have trust

But i will say i didnt have this happen last round.


Well-Known Member
I have two of those combo meters. I never noticed that moving the PH pen around messes with the readings. (The TDS meter is a different story, try putting it next to an airstone) Leads me to think you got something wonky going on.
Do you have strips you can use to double check? I got some narrow-range ph strips from amazon just to double check in case I felt something was off.
Strips dont lie.


Well-Known Member
I have two of those combo meters. I never noticed that moving the PH pen around messes with the readings. (The TDS meter is a different story, try putting it next to an airstone) Leads me to think you got something wonky going on.
Do you have strips you can use to double check? I got some narrow-range ph strips from amazon just to double check in case I felt something was off.
Strips dont lie.
No they dont.
But my eyes
I havent had much luck with them


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know what you mean. That is why I got the narrow range strips. They allow for a better color match vs broad range since they don't have like 30 colors for 0-13. We only are concerned with 4-7 anyway.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Bluelab combo meter is the best hydro investment I've ever made...sits right up there above my CMH investments :) Getting cheap PH pens does work, but good grief it's just so much trouble and so much calibration and so much second guessing in situations where uncertainty can really cause problems.


Well-Known Member
I dunno... it better not be. I paid the large for one of these a few months ago..

And i calibrate it almost weekly... because i have trust

But i will say i didnt have this happen last round.
That's the right tool.

No need to calibrate it so much. Monthly is fine.

Do not store the pH tip in distilled or tap water.

I just kept mine in the res and it was fine and accurate for months at a time.


Well-Known Member
That's the right tool.

No need to calibrate it so much. Monthly is fine.

Do not store the pH tip in distilled or tap water.

I just kept mine in the res and it was fine and accurate for months at a time.
I would just keep it in the res, but my mixing res is in another room. So... it moves around a lot.

I just keep the cap on it filled with storage solution. Pop it off and rinse before use every day.

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
I just checked and noticed I have the exact same model as you, I just purchased from a different seller. Outside of Airwalker's explanation, I'm not sure why the ph would change so much from cup to res, but I would trust the reading you get with the probe in the res/root zone. It's for sure irritating that they're different readings, but I'd trust the one you get from your res.