Ph problems?


Noticed yellow spots 2 weeks in started watering higher ph ever water with tad bit extra nutes because i found out my soil was pretty acidic and that was most likely the reason it happened. Yes i know dumb mistake but leaves then got rusty had holes in them curled everywhere its now on week 51/2 seems to be doing better but still not great by any means the second seedling had curled wierdish leaves as well developped the same problem early on and tried doing the same thing to fix it but today came home from work and they were alot worse then they were 8 hours ago. Any tips on how to fix this? Or if it could be something else entirely? Couldnt find any signs of pests at all and its been weeks now! Any help would be appriciated will post pics of both plants if it helps any.


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Mix a little lime into your soil next time and that will help stabilize ph. You will not fix a soil ph issue by adjusting your nute or water ph, it just corrects the problem too slowly, the soil will always out buffer it.

Pretty difficult to fix a soil ph problem mid grow. You can top dress with some wood ash but this will rob the soil of nitrogen, so you start getting domino effects.
Mix a little lime into your soil next time and that will help stabilize ph. You will not fix a soil ph issue by adjusting your nute or water ph, it just corrects the problem too slowly, the soil will always out buffer it.

Pretty difficult to fix a soil ph problem mid grow. You can top dress with some wood ash but this will rob the soil of nitrogen, so you start getting domino effects.
How much do you think itll affect yield? I just dont know whether i should take clones off of it and restart in different soil or if i should ride it out and see what i get?
The picture of the whole plant looks great so don't worry about a couple of bad leaves at the bottom. I'm seeing a bit of nute burn in those older leaves but overall she's looking real good. Messing with things too much is what will lead you into problems. Takes a while for plants to find their stride sometimes but yours looks like it has.

Good luck!
Greetings, add myco and bacteria aka microbiology to medium, Will help greatly.
(Example: mushroom compost, hummus or Great White)

Watch new growth for recovery, bottom growth for symptoms.

Have you tried ca:mg at all?
ya man looks alright but trimmed a couple leaves when i took clones so it looks better now new growth is great until couple weeks down the road and no havent tried cal mag but thanks fer the advice may try N go buy some compost or myco never heard anything like that through research so thanks a ton the seedlings looking a lot worse today so hopefully it helps