Ph Lockout? with pics

Hi guys, im on day 33 of flowering, with 4 plants. all in soil, all been fed the same amount of Hesi Nutes, flowering with a 600w hps. a few weeks ago i noticed a few necrosis spots on the bottom fan leaves of 2 of the plants, Blue mystic and super skunk. over time, the necrosis has generally been moving up the plant. I noticed leaves being 'twisty' which may be due to the ph being too acidic.

I ordered a soil ph meter yesterday, but from all my research i BELIEVE its a ph lockout of potassium. at first i thought it may have been a magnesium def, so i gave her some epsom. ive added earthworm castings a few days ago, but i havent seen a change. I also put some dolomite lime in there to help raise the ph but according to some online sites, that may take months.

i purchased some bonemeal today, i read that that helps raise the ph.

my current plan of action : feed with ph'd water (no nutes) a little more than average to try and rid the soil of some of the salt buildup. and throw some bonemeal in there to try and raise the ph.

is there a better way to change ph in soil? also, should i raise the ph of my water before feeding? i have the ph up and down starter kit, but like i said, im in soil so i havent used it.

before i knew it was a ph issue, i only added a few doses of extra epsom/fertilzer to try and undo the harm, so i dont think i have a toxic amount in the soil, so i dont think a transplant is called for just yet. overall the plant is healthy, but i dont want this to progress any further! anyones help will be appreciated, thanks guys.bm1.jpgbm2.jpgss1.jpgbm3.jpg