PH levels???


Well-Known Member

What should be the PH level of the water used for growing?



Well-Known Member
hey guys, i know soiless mix is soil less and therefore hydroponic, but it seems more like soil than most other hydro medium(?) so my question is does this fall in the hyro exactly or should the ph be a little bit higher than the hydro chart? i know this is a stupid question but i was just pondering it myself and i dont know. and i know you guys are really smart and might know the answer! thanks! God bless everyone!:peace:


Well-Known Member
While soilless is hydro it fall under the soil catagory for PHing I'm pretty sure.
I might be wrong I don't use soilless and never have..


Well-Known Member
While soilless is hydro it fall under the soil catagory for PHing I'm pretty sure.
I might be wrong I don't use soilless and never have..
hey shaman!!!! thanks for your reply. so your saying that it should be kept at 6.5 for optimum results? does anyone know what should be done that has used soilless mix? God bless everyone:peace:


Well-Known Member
So... when in flowering.. and using hydroponics.. 5.9 is best right???

Because anything below 5.9 plants dont use P ( the red one ) Phosphorus