ph kit, where to get it?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum. Some of those stores have them. Most Nursery stores will as well. Hydro shop have them for around $10.00. Only need to use two drops so it last for a while. VV


Active Member
Tell me about the DROPS, I got a PH kit for free when I ordered the relector.

Can it be used for more than just water ? For example could I put a small amount of soil in the cylinder and test ?

My water is around 8.5 and from what I have been reading thats not good. I think I am going to have to buy a product to lower the PH levels in my water.


Well-Known Member
yep you definately need to lower that ph. That is the type of kit they have, which is why I don't recommend it. IF you start with good potting soil and ph the water you put in it, soil testing shouldn't be necessary. You would only test it if there was a problem. But the test is a waste of time. Wtf. If there is a problem that develops in the soil, the solution is to flush the soil with low ph water, so if in doubt, flush it out, FIRST.
The kit you buy with the drops is used to check the ph of your water. I used to ph my water 5 gallons at a time, which was normally enough for 20-3 gallon pots. With the high ph you have you will want to let your water sit for a day before using it. This allows to calcium to settle. Clean out your buckets after using the water from them. I use to use a teaspoons or so of white vinegar, it breaks down the calcium making it easy to wipe it out. Then I bought a ro system. One of the best investments I have made. Easy to install, doesn't take up a lot of space. You do have to have a shut-off valve and a drain line. Its only 1/4 inch drain line and the inlet has a hose connection. Turn on the water and produce 85 gallon of ro water per day if necessary, which is more than enough for my four flood and drain tables. I still check the ph.......... every month or so. VV