Ph is 5.4! D:

I was bad, Really bad, I was gone for a few days, fed & watered them, when I came back one plant is almost completely wilted with brown spots everywhere and another is starting to wilt also. I did not check the ph for awhile & I knew I should have >.< I have espoma organic garden lime I like just got in the mail before I left & I didn't have time to put it in the soil yet but I read it takes awhile to settle in & I need the ph to go up now or they will die D= What can I do? im a newb at this x.x


Well-Known Member
I think the lime will do it but don't know how long that will take to buffer, you could try baking soda added to water to raise ph as its a alkaline, proberly no more the a tspoon per gallon and do a sort of flush with that, hopefully someone with more experience in this will advise you more, but in a emergency id try it,
Thx for the advice :)
I feel stupid now.. the espoma lime I have is soluble, I didn't find that out until I tried to flush it lol, Ph levels are back to norm & I did a small flush on all of them but the one that wilted I am afriad mite not make it, It was already looking bad from the low ph and now its over watered from the flush, at least I learned a very valuable lesson.. ALWAYS check ph levels at least once a weak x.x I am surprised the others didn't look the same :/

