PH fluctuation problems


New Member
Hi everyone, I have had an ongoing problem with controlling my PH. Here's some info on my setup. First off, I am using water from the city because I have a 40g res and haven't been able to get an RO setup. I just tested the water and it comes out at a PH of 8.9, and PPM of 170. I am just starting my seedlings and adjusted the ph to 6.0 and let it sit overnight before putting anything inside the seedling setup. I am using a ph down from from Stealth Hydro. No matter where I get the ph to, it creeps back up to around a ph of 7.0. Since I have such a big res, and change my water every week when in my growing time, I have to stick with the faucet water for now. I think the problem is with the pH down from stealth hydro. But I don't know for sure. Right now I am still using the Flora Plugs Rapid Rooter Root Riot Seed Starting Germination Pellets, which I soaked in ph adjusted sink water 24 hours before using. So it's either something in the city water that is raising the ph back up after I lower it, or it's the ph down I am using. I ordered some more ph down from General Hydroponics, dry formula, which I was told that it is a good product. I will be using hydroton which I will be cleaning well and soaking in ph corrected water IF I can get it to stop creeping back up. I would appreciate any help ASAP.
Thanks guys (and girls if there are any out there).general hydroponic ph down.jpg


Well-Known Member
nah man...don't order more ph down...i am sure it is has a tendency to creep up over lower it more to like 6.0 and let it creep up to 6.5 or so....if it creeps too high...lower to 5.5 and let it creep...etc and so on until you get the desired level after the creep...good luck


New Member
I already ordered it, so it's too late. Do you think the water could have something to do with it? And is a PPM of 170 too high for a flood and drain?


I use SM-90 as a ph buffer when ph is swinging faster than my like.

Under 200 ppm is pretty good to start.


Well-Known Member
nah 170 is o.k. ... the water is fine....i would let it sit out over night.... and lower the ph more than you want ....anticipate the creep....after a few res changes you will have it all dialed in..probably bring down to 5.2 and let it creep up to desired level....the creep is natural...


New Member
Cool man thanks. This isn't my first rodeo, but close to it. Just don't want no problems right off the bat. Cost too much for the seeds. Can't wait to see my ladies start growing.


New Member
I just googled it, I know what it is now, thanks for the reply. I'll try bringing my ph down to around 5.0 this time. From what I've read you are supposed to bring it down in steps not all at once. Does that sound right?


Well-Known Member
I run a flood and drain system, I use rockwool cubes on coco mat. I have to ph down my rez everyday. Its normal to do that because when you feed your plants, the salts in your grow medium are also going back into your rez and thus causing your ph to go up. Its a part of hydro, and people who will come here and say they can level the ph for an entire week are wrong! Its just not possible! Its one of the reasons hydro is difficult, but the end results are amazing non the less. Its a pain in the ass I know! And the ph perfect nutes are bs too!


Well-Known Member
I just googled it, I know what it is now, thanks for the reply. I'll try bringing my ph down to around 5.0 this time. From what I've read you are supposed to bring it down in steps not all at once. Does that sound right?
I wouldn't do just check it and correct it before every feeding...I flood once a day, 1 hour after the lights come on. I set the ph right before I flood the table


New Member
When I talked to the guy at the local hydro store he said my ph should not fluctuate. I read somewhere else that as the plant absorbs the nutes (which I have not used yet, still seedlings) the ph normally rises. In my case nothing is in the water except the rooting plugs and seedlings.


New Member
Thanks everyone for the help. I noticed after cleaning my flood table after my last grow that their was a lot of white stuff all over the table. It looked like salt. I wiped it off as well as I could, but I should probably clean it really good before my girls go in there. How critical is it to clean it well? Should I put water in it and add some bleach and run it, then empty it out to start all over?


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm...I'll get back to you. I'm going to look into that. It has me scratching my head right now!.. Keep adjusting it for now. Its something you'll be doing a lot of anyhow. But its interesting at this point.


Well-Known Member
As silly as this may sound...are you hands clean when you touch the water? Lotions, after shave, cologne..etc can spike ph. I always wash with anti bacterial bar soap before I even go into my your rez blocked of light? Do you have airstones? Is there chlorine in your city water?


Well-Known Member
I run a flood and drain system, I use rockwool cubes on coco mat. I have to ph down my rez everyday. Its normal to do that because when you feed your plants, the salts in your grow medium are also going back into your rez and thus causing your ph to go up. Its a part of hydro, and people who will come here and say they can level the ph for an entire week are wrong! Its just not possible! Its one of the reasons hydro is difficult, but the end results are amazing non the less. Its a pain in the ass I know! And the ph perfect nutes are bs too!
My experience in hydro is 2 1/2 weeks so I'm no expert. However, I haven't had any problem at all (yet) with my pH. After mixing my nutes (AN Jungle Juice Grow, Micro, and Bloom) I need to bring the pH down one time and it stays pretty stable after that. I us RO water I get from vending machines at the grocery. His tap water had a higher pH than most. Tap water should be close to 7.0. I think bad tap water might be his problem. If cost is his problem, the vending machine route doesn't cost much. 5 gallon bottles at Walmart for $6.99, water is $0.30 at most chain groceries (Publix, Winn-Dixie).


Well-Known Member
No, people always trip when I say once a grow medium stay pretty moist. Over feeding is always a problem with hydroponics. You should only feed more than one time a day unless the plants are asking for more..