PH dropping quickly, cant get away from 4.6


Active Member
Howdy everybody. First thread on here. I will try to keep it simple and quick.

5g gator aide cooler res (4g water level)
Remo nutrients supercharged kit ( Flower Week 4 basic feed schedule ) (First time running remo, usually using H.s.)
GH PH up/down
Distilled water store bought ( natural ph 5.7/5.8 very consistant ) ( have been using this since seedling ) ( ph test control sample )
Great white bennies

Led mars hydro tsw2000, 3x3 home

water temp 62-66
72-75 temps by day
68-73 temps by night
30-40% Hum day or night
(using a govee for data logging)

My plant has been amazing and stable the first half of its grow. As soon as I switched to flower (autoflower, nute change only ), and the nutes changed I am now struggling with massive PH swings. my roots are doing great, no smell, no twisting. The first three weeks of flower the ph had been rising. It would jump from 5.8 to around 6.6 every day while drinking half a gallon of water and ppms remaining 510 520. I figured it was because i had been dumping the clean water through the clay pebble medium (which i only started doing about two weeks ago because scrog is now preventing me from moving the plant everytime the res needs somthing)

so what did I do, a res drain. wiped it down on the inside with some 3% peroxide on a paper towel, while the plant sat in about an inch of clean water. I made the new soup fresh batch. before PH adjustments this soup comes out at 4.6/4.8 using distilled water AND great white. Now here is where things are getting wierd. The fresh res takes me 2ML of ph up to get me to 5.7. This was normal. It held its ph for about 8 hours, than it began to rip lower. I checked it that night and it was 4.9. here we go. I put .02 PH up in and got not a damn thing. usually this will bump my light 5g res .05-.08 ph. I turn the pump on and circulate for a few mins when adding anything. so now i add .05 ml. and i only get a ph of around 5.1/5.2.. long story short it was taking me 1 full ML to bump .1 ph upward. This is alot for me knowing that it takes me 2ML to bump from around 4.8 to 5.7. ( during veg 1ML ph up/down = 1.0 PH was how my soup reacted. ) so its needing alot of ph solution to budge the numbers.

Thats cool, fine, a little ph wander never hurt me. my problem now is, my ph is dropping from 5.7 to 4.6 every 3/4 hours. what the hell could be pulling it down that fast. could it have possibly been left over peroxide residue in the res from when i wiped it down? Water consumption is up now to a little over a half gallon a day. I began to allow the ppms to drop during the week and just add clean water along with needed amount of great white. PPm is now 150. I dont think the nutes were my issue. My tips are beginning to lightly burn for the first time in the plants life. Satellite leaves want to close up.

now before i get the whole distilled water lecture. please understand, a mounted RO filter setup is not an option where I am living. Tap water here is very stubbornly ph'd at 7 with a stabilizer and its strong. I have tried fighting it and its not even worth using, also high chlorine. The RO water available in the store near me is not clean. period. I can put a light on it and see a raindbow layer floating around the top, aswell as a pungent smell. (too many people are flushing pills) This also has a ph stablizer but a bit lower at around 6.7 which can be adjusted but its much easier to use distilled which is already at a consistant ph of 5.7/5.8 from different stores. also no rainbow layer or wierd smell. I have ran distilled for almost 1.5 year, no issues. first time running remo nutes though.

Thanks for the read, replies appreciated.
Your using RO and have no ph buffering capacity. That's why you have always had drastic ph swing in a short period. Ph should not drift more that 0.3 max in 24 hrs. Ideally 0.2

Try mixing tap and RO 50/50 maybe if you link or post your water repost I can go over it for you.

What ph down product are you using?
There are several reason why you can see ph change to decrease in flower instead of increase in veg. I won't bother getting into them. The important thing is getting the ph stable. Just the increased dark period causes a release of more h+ ions and can lower ph
Hello :)
How much water capacity can your tank hold? How much avaiable water do they have?
How big are the plant/s?
Photo would help
Im using distilled water for the res, i have the bluelabs pen, and the standard gh ph liquid which seems to be in ballpark colorwise with the pen reading.. its an auto so i kept the light period the same as veg.. i was thinking of just going with the slimy RO that i can get around here.. an update since i have posted this, my ph was back down to 4.5.. i adjusted again it took me 2ml ph up ppm is around the same 2 or 3 ppm lower.

I would like to add i missed over this detail, i had been running an open airline in my rez, i recently changed it to a black rubbery airline from petco for aquariums, ran in a circle with a T and a bunch of tiny holes, could this rubber be giving it off?

If itnkeeps going down ill be changing it over to a different rez with new soup untill i can figure out what is going wrong, may just use the ro
Hello :)
How much water capacity can your tank hold? How much avaiable water do they have?
How big are the plant/s?
Photo would help

I will post a pic soon as i can, rez will hold around 4g with the roots and dangle room, just one plant and its about 2.5 feet in height scrog the over entire 3x3
when i add phosphorus it nukes my ph to a normal 6.3-6.2 so that's pretty cool because my plants want more p because my pk nutrients is super high in k so im supplementing p from raw works well but damn does the shit drop ph in your rez
Lmao coco seems tempting.. big mike is tempting me with the PH perfect bullshit View attachment 4439780

I tried their line of Ph Perfect... Absolute disaster. I've gone to Mega Crop since and haven't had much of a Ph fluctuation. I went from 5.7-6.0 in the course of a couple weeks.

Personally my favourite is the DNF 6 pack but it's hard to get your hands on if you don't have a shop nearby.

Edit: not to mention the difference between the Ph Perfect and Mega Crop is night and day. I was plagued with deficiencies which were cured shortly after the switch.
As it turns out you need to buy all the extra bottles you can't really just run the Grow, Micro, Bloom.
I tried their line of Ph Perfect... Absolute disaster. I've gone to Mega Crop since and haven't had much of a Ph fluctuation. I went from 5.7-6.0 in the course of a couple weeks.

Personally my favourite is the DNF 6 pack but it's hard to get your hands on if you don't have a shop nearby.

Edit: not to mention the difference between the Ph Perfect and Mega Crop is night and day. I was plagued with deficiencies which were cured shortly after the switch.
As it turns out you need to buy all the extra bottles you can't really just run the Grow, Micro, Bloom.
I have heard good things about mega, and mixed answers regarding AN, im not looking to get rid of my remo line, i still have alot left .. should i be worried about the water concentration of ph up im stuffing in there?? It seems like its alot to be squirting in there every few hours just to keep ph up.. somthing is really pulling it down and hard
You guys must really yield a shit ton to put up with all this crap in hydro lmao. Yield doesn't seem worth the headache at all not to mention its synthetic.
Can you explain how there is any difference between synthetic and organic nutrients to plants? Other than microbes which aren't all that diverse in hydro anyways?

Nitrogen is nitrogen, calcium is calcium, phosphorous is phosphorus etc etc.

The plant doesn't give 2 shits what source it came from... The soil and microbes do but not the plants. Elements are elements plain and simple.
Can you explain how there is any difference between synthetic and organic nutrients to plants? Other than microbes which aren't all that diverse in hydro anyways?

Nitrogen is nitrogen, calcium is calcium, phosphorous is phosphorus etc etc.

The plant doesn't give 2 shits what source it came from... The soil and microbes do but not the plants. Elements are elements plain and simple.

Ofc the plant doesn't give 2 shits what source the nutes came from lmao. The plants purpose in life is to repopulate not get smoked.. We are the ones smoking it so it's to us in which it should matter. To answer your question though, organic nutes break down differently than synthetic within the plant. The age old argument of "the plant doesn't care where it gets nutes" does not apply anymore.
Im using distilled water for the res, i have the bluelabs pen, and the standard gh ph liquid which seems to be in ballpark colorwise with the pen reading.. its an auto so i kept the light period the same as veg.. i was thinking of just going with the slimy RO that i can get around here.. an update since i have posted this, my ph was back down to 4.5.. i adjusted again it took me 2ml ph up ppm is around the same 2 or 3 ppm lower.

I would like to add i missed over this detail, i had been running an open airline in my rez, i recently changed it to a black rubbery airline from petco for aquariums, ran in a circle with a T and a bunch of tiny holes, could this rubber be giving it off?

If itnkeeps going down ill be changing it over to a different rez with new soup untill i can figure out what is going wrong, may just use the ro
Not sure if this helps.
Good luck!
Ofc the plant doesn't give 2 shits what source the nutes came from lmao. The plants purpose in life is to repopulate not get smoked.. We are the ones smoking it so it's to us in which it should matter. To answer your question though, organic nutes break down differently than synthetic within the plant. The age old argument of "the plant doesn't care where it gets nutes" does not apply anymore.
You are joking right? You have no idea how plants uptake nutrients or nutrient availability. Then going to sit there and BS me instead just saying I'm not sure
I have heard good things about mega, and mixed answers regarding AN, im not looking to get rid of my remo line, i still have alot left .. should i be worried about the water concentration of ph up im stuffing in there?? It seems like its alot to be squirting in there every few hours just to keep ph up.. somthing is really pulling it down and hard

Not sure the exact repurcussions to adding that much in but if anything it'll mess you up when you go to read your EC.

You said you only started getting seeing this issue when you started using these new nutes right?

Check out their FAQ section maybe? They mention a few things about buffers and whatnot.

And maybe a look here as well.

OP with 4gal of solution and little to no buffer your going to get ph swings like that chart someone posted of ppm are increasing the plants are drinking more than eating and that can cause the ph to drop as the concentration increases due to the acidic nature of our nutes.