PH? distilled water!?


i had problems most likely due to PH, i dont have a PH meter yet, i was wondering if i bought Distilled water from the store if the PH would be ok, considering they test the PH before they distribute for humans, and we require about the same level... if its most likely PH should i flush or just correct my flaws and continue about normal business


Well-Known Member
uhm get test strips from a pet store or gardening center much easier than guessing at least from my experience the nutes will change the ph so there it is ... problem solved


Well-Known Member
i had problems most likely due to PH, i dont have a PH meter yet, i was wondering if i bought Distilled water from the store if the PH would be ok, considering they test the PH before they distribute for humans, and we require about the same level... if its most likely PH should i flush or just correct my flaws and continue about normal business

I don't quite understand ur Q.... But I use distilled water only for my plants, and regardless of weather its 'distilled,' 'spring water,' or 'drinking water' by name, the ph will vary regardless. I've had distilled come out anywhere between 6 and 8+ PH, so u do gotta keep an eye on it. A good ph meter is best, but i use the General Hydro Drop Kit. Cost like $15 and it'll get u close enough to grow well in soil.