Ph buffers and making your own nutrient solutions


New Member
Hey everybody,

I've been wanting to order some powders/salts to make my own nutrients, and I'm wondering if there is a way to add a ph buffer like GH does. I like the ease it gives me when I add it to RO water (ph issues are so rare, or non-existant). Is there a 5.8ph buffer somewhere I can buy to add it in, and has anyone done this before?


Well-Known Member
i mix my own nutrients but i leave the ph and adjust it alone. i could try to mimic the GH or other ferts by adding acid to the stock solution, but i avoid that because i don't know what might happen if the stock becomes very acidic, that might ruin some chemicals in it, and I will have to get nitric acid which i do not have at the time being. Look at the ingredients of GH, basically the N, is derived from ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate, then by the number of calcium and ammonium you can know how much nitrate is being derived from nitric acid, i did the maths, i know it was a significant portion of the N. I hope this helps