Pests.. from grow tent to outdoor greenhouse


Active Member
I had pests in my grow tent (see previous posts), 2 spotted mites and apparently broad mites. Nuked them with Pyrethtrum TR , used trifecta and neem oil and they seemed to just laugh. I took them outside to my little plastic greenhouse and started blasting them with water when I got home from work and another blast with my small leaf blower in the afternoon.. everyday. Now I scope the leaves everyday and continue to search for them fux. Knock on wood.. no sign since.WIN_20220501_17_03_06_Pro.jpgWIN_20220501_17_03_35_Pro.jpgWIN_20220501_17_03_06_Pro.jpgWIN_20220501_17_03_35_Pro.jpg


Well-Known Member
They must be pretty important to you to risk keeping them around. I think I would have started over and nuked everything with some heavy pesticides. I don't want to screw around with those guys in my grow. Glad it seems like it's all gone. Hope they bounce back quickly.


Well-Known Member
I switched to Roots Organic soil after my second bag of Fox Farms came home full of fungus gnats. I know it can be from the nursery but the Roots organic soil had been gnat free and I've been having way better results for over 2 years with it. Much better soil texture over all in my opinion. Sounds like you're doing what you can to deal with them. I've just heard horror stories about the Borg.


Well-Known Member
Check/clean your carbon filter especially the outer cover in the past they have hidden there since mine is up high I spaced it until the only new plant that got infected was directly below it I pulled the filter after putting a plastic bag over it and sure enough little buggers....apparently they are immune to bug bombs since I let two off 5 days apart when the room was empty


Well-Known Member
yeah, I run dry amendments in mine. It has a ton of perlite in it so you don't have to buy extra perlite to add in which i really like and I can water really frequently which I also like to do. I plant seeds in it when I don't have seed starter mix and never have problems, it's not a hot soil mix at all.