Persistent broad leaf herbicides end up in your compost via contaminated horse manure.

Side ways Onion

Well-Known Member
Persistent broad leaf herbicides are compounds that have been formulated by manufacturers too resist biological degradation (take years to break down even after passing through a horse or cows digestive system), a few examples are Aminopyralid, Clopyralid and Picloram. They are used in pastures and on grain crops, to keep broad leaf weeds out. I have now read about Persistent broad leaf herbicides and the damage it has done to organic vegetable gardens. There are many videos and articles about this, and the main instruction is know your source, but that is not always possible.

Link with a great explanation
This link is a very good explanation of the story and my serious concern.

My story
Unfortunately before I knew about this herbicide I added a load of horse manure from a local horse rescue organisation to my compost. I asked and they do not use anything like this on their pastures, but are unsure if the farmers of their grain crops they purchase in do, as they get it from an agri co-op. I have now removed all the horse manure (Luckily it was the top layer) from my compost, but obviously some remains. I know how to do a bioassay test to test for this, but I am still seriously concerned and do not want to waste my lovely organic compost I have taken a year or more to build. That said I will now never again bring anything onto my land, even store bought compost and manures can have traces of this herbicide in it.

My apologies for this next para but I need to get it out......... Im so fucking angry with these chemical manufacturers, and how they are fucking up this planet for monetary gain. Why is this not more publicised. Yes I know its for monetary gain by these chemical assholes but where is the regulation and traceability?

If these persistent herbicides unknowingly make their way into your organic compost, can they affect the growth of your cannabis in any way if you use that compost on your following seasons cannabis grow?

I need to get into my happy green space to calm down, thanks in advance for any thoughts on my question.

Hoping you have a Wonderfull weekend all.


i don't think it will afferct the growth, but your going to end up with it in your plants as they suck moisture and food from your up into the plant.
thats why if you use urine to feed your plants, make sure the doner isn't on any meds for the same reason
i wouldent stress too much, most manure is soursed for organic soil making, there shouldent be that much in it to worry about.
its wierd this organic label, we have a tip near us who taske green garden waste and turns it into organic soil, well most gardeners are not organic growers, they use chemicals, herbicides and shit like that, so its in the green waste, and composting it wont get rid of them. i use the compost they make and have never had a problem im aware of.
im aiming to make my own soil from top soil, ewc, compost ect this year, well by the end of the year.
The paper you linked does not have a signature or any science documents linked to it. . I agree that herbicides are not good for the environment. But one part per billion of herbicide is a small amount and I doubt that will damage sensitive crops to the extent that it could be measured scientifically. You may be overreacting.
I hope I'm over reacting, but never again will I bring any "organic" matter onto my land, I will only compost with my own matter. How can an organic grower say they are 100% organic if they have sourced matter for their compost that is untraceable?

go go k, That is why I'm so pissed, mostly at myself re the urine story, as if I am ever on a med I never pee on my cannabis, but stupidly I didn't think of the horse manure. That said I have always thought it strange why people collect horse manure from horse racing stables as those poor animals are all on one med or another.

rijkmus1, here articles published by the US composting council and one from the National Pesticide Information centre.

Thanks for the thoughts
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I hope I'm over reacting, but never again will I bring any "organic" matter onto my land, I will only compost with my own matter. How can an organic grower say they are 100% organic if they have sourced matter for their compost that is untraceable?

go go k, That is why I'm so pissed, mostly at myself re the urine story, as if I am ever on a med I never pee on my cannabis, but stupidly I didn't think of the horse manure. That said I have always thought it strange why people collect horse manure from horse racing stables as those poor animals are all on one med or another.

rijkmus1, here articles published by the US composting council and one from the National Pesticide Information centre.

Thanks for the thoughts
I will do some reading later on a PC. Just with a Google search I see some half life discrepancies. I quit store bought manure years ago in the garden due to the risk a food illness that can be caused. The name escapes me. I am with you on organic for my food grown in my garden. I am not educated beyond high school but I do try to understand the science involved here. Thank you
I will do some reading later on a PC. Just with a Google search I see some half life discrepancies. I quit store bought manure years ago in the garden due to the risk a food illness that can be caused. The name escapes me. I am with you on organic for my food grown in my garden. I am not educated beyond high school but I do try to understand the science involved here. Thank you

Thanks I would like to hear your thoughts.
I am also not that concerned with a discrepancy here or there in a number, my main concern is, if these herbicides are present in so called organic composts or manures will they affect my cannabis grow in any way, as I already know they affect broad leaf vegetable grows. I claim I am a 100% organic grower but bring untraceable compost or manures in, then my question is how organic am I?
If these persistent herbicides unknowingly make their way into your organic compost, can they affect the growth of your cannabis in any way if you use that compost on your following seasons cannabis grow?

Yes! It's happened to me years ago when I was composting with horse manure. Did some back tracking at the time to find out that clopyralids were regularly used in the fields that the horses grazed in. "Organic matter" tends to bind this stuff, protecting it from natural degradation. Run your bio-assay. Tomatoes, peas, and beans are especially affected by these chemicals. It doesn't take long to see that something is wrong.

Some science...


Thanks so much for this info, this is exactly what I am so pissed off about.

I will have to do many Bioassay tests on my compost. I will never bring any compost ,manure or plant matter onto my land ever again.

So this leads me to believe anyone who claims to be an organic grower, but brings in compost or manures without traceability (most store bought compost, manures and potting soils included) is fooling themselves and anyone else they make their 100% organic claim too.

I wish I had known about this awhile back.

You learn something new every day.

Thanks again.

Thanks so much for this info, this is exactly what I am so pissed off about.

I will have to do many Bioassay tests on my compost. I will never bring any compost ,manure or plant matter onto my land ever again.

So this leads me to believe anyone who claims to be an organic grower, but brings in compost or manures without traceability (most store bought compost, manures and potting soils included) is fooling themselves and anyone else they make their 100% organic claim too.

I wish I had known about this awhile back.

You learn something new every day.

Thanks again.
this will sound counterintuitive.. but my advice to you is to do less thinking on it man
the more you look, the less sleep you'll get
trust me there, as someone who is obsessed with accumulating knowledge...
don't research water... rainwater or otherwise, none of it is pure anymore
humans have contaminated the entire planet and there is NO escape from it.
less thinking...less thinking...
you can collect tree leaves in the middle of a pristine forest and it will have chemicals in, and on it.
they find plastic particles in the placenta of babies for gods sake
this will sound counterintuitive.. but my advice to you is to do less thinking on it man
the more you look, the less sleep you'll get
trust me there, as someone who is obsessed with accumulating knowledge...
don't research water... rainwater or otherwise, none of it is pure anymore
humans have contaminated the entire planet and there is NO escape from it.
less thinking...less thinking...
you can collect tree leaves in the middle of a pristine forest and it will have chemicals in, and on it.
they find plastic particles in the placenta of babies for gods sake

This organic compost problem is new to me and if knowledge can prevent me contaminating my "organic" compost or brining chemicals onto my land unknowingly and there are posters out there who know more about this problem, then I would like to hear from them.

It serves no point to go through life not thinking or enquiring about something you know little about, that in my opinion would be a stupid way to approach a problem or life.

Knowledge is power.
This organic compost problem is new to me and if knowledge can prevent me contaminating my "organic" compost or brining chemicals onto my land unknowingly and there are posters out there who know more about this problem, then I would like to hear from them.

It serves no point to go through life not thinking or enquiring about something you know little about, that in my opinion would be a stupid way to approach a problem or life.

Knowledge is power.
i get ya completely, and i agree to a degree , but not entirely.
I acknowledge that my comment was pretty negative, but i did have good intentions.
i've lived a good amount of my life worrying and overanalyzing things, it is my nature, and it still persists, much to my chagrin..
my point was that there is essentially NOTHING left on this planet that is "clean"
so worrying about it just contaminates the fishtank that you swim in, considering we cannot change it, and it's not getting better.
meaning it just makes your life a lil less enjoyable, and that constant worrying and analyzing takes a certain percentage of ones well being.

"It serves no point to go through life not thinking or enquiring about something you know little about, that in my opinion would be a stupid way to approach a problem or life."

this comment i agree with, but to a degree.
it's a slippery slope...
to approach a "problem" without facts is of course a stupid thing to do, but to inquire and learn more about problems that one cannot influence is a recipe for personal unhappiness.
thats all my point was
i believe your personal wellbeing is more important
life is short man
My little piece of land on the south western tip of Africa is extremely clean and I get my water from more than 300ft under my land. My water comes straight off the mountain behind me. So yes I can make a difference to how I work my land and what I bring onto my land, but only if I have the knowledge.

Through a lack of knowledge on my part and a lack of information out there, I bought horse manure onto my land that could have been contaminated, by these Persistent broad leaf herbicides. Me being angry at companies like Dow Chemicals for this and other poison they disperse around the world for monetary profit has absolutely no bearing on my personal happiness.

After 25 years offshore, the year I retire, the idiot suits legalised growing weed here. Now I can legally grow great organic cannabis trees along with working my bees and growing veg. Fuck man I couldn't be happier.

Thanks for your concern, life is really good.
