Perseids Meteor Showers

Over the years in the northern hemisphere the girls began their flowering stage during the Perseids Meteor showers , Aug. 11th - 14th . I have noticed a familiar trait the plants seem to have . Like sunflowers the tops of the branches bend in the evening towards the sun setting . Last night they All were bending to the west as they are ready to produce those beautiful buds . It's time to enjoy all the hard work just to get them at this point and hope the next 6 to 8 weeks that mother nature is kind .
What's your latitude?

Nice post--good reminder how interconnected everything in Nature is.

I'm anxiously awaiting mine to flower...was hoping by this week but starting to wonder.
Thanks , just north of the 45th
Just started Mon. and really progressing today , gotta really search for those little bastard worms now , gonna be harder to find them .


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I sprayed some bT on Tuesday and haven't seen a worm since. Although even before it was just one or two every few days.

You tried that?
BT ? no never tried anything outdoor grow ...should but I do have patience to find the little shits ..aphids wear me out . I do have a canoeing problem on some of them ..
What's your latitude ? You've been getting that heat ?


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bT deals with the caterpillars, so I'm told. This is my first year.

I'm at 44 degrees North here...and yes, it's been hotter than an Atlanta parking lot in August here lately.
I’m at 42, interesting post. I noticed buds forming on a few of mine two days ago. A neighbour asked me to look at a plant that was clawing and it was loosing moisture due to a split stem from the last wind. A “Y” where it had been topped once.

I’ve got cannabis aphids arriving from somewhere (they fly) but the lady bugs are keeping them in check. I tested some on cuttings. Mosquito coils (synthetic pyrethrins) won’t kill them. Rosemary oil won’t kill them. 4 tsp of epsom salt/ litre water will dessicate them as it dries. Ladybugs are out late into the fall they are one of the last bugs around so I’m hoping not to treat the plants.

I use barn swallows for the caterpillars, lol. Those things will eat a lot of bugs.
bT deals with the caterpillars, so I'm told. This is my first year.

I'm at 44 degrees North here...and yes, it's been hotter than an Atlanta parking lot in August here lately.


Yup this is the stuff you want to take care of any caterpillars... I spray at least once weekly, more if it rains after sometimes. Bottle will cost about 20 bucks for the season for me, I stop spraying so much once the buds are fat, at spray at night or am before direct light.

Make sure if/when you buy it you read the ingredients, there is a specific subspecies the B.t. is derived from, and "Kurstaki" is the one you want for caterpillars..

Also, it works wonders for tons of stuff so worth the money for sure.

I've seen 3 tiny caterpillars/inch worms all year on all my plants, They've been tiny too, like .25 inch to half inch at most.

As for latitude Im technically 41 basically 42 though... and all mine have been in flower for about 2 weeks or so, some are a little behind others but theyre all throwing a bunch of pistils, I'd call it week 1 or 2 if I were counting weeks which I dont. Dont worry NFG you'll get there.

If they arent going by the end of august Id start to worry a bit maybe, just because Im always flowering by now no matter what strain I grow usually.(prefer indicas and kush/diesel hybrids though, that could be why?) You're plants are mature yeah? They at least have a few pistils growing? What strain you running again I know ive seen your posts I just forget, and any excess on nitrogen by any chance?

I’m at 42, interesting post. I noticed buds forming on a few of mine two days ago. A neighbour asked me to look at a plant that was clawing and it was loosing moisture due to a split stem from the last wind. A “Y” where it had been topped once.

I’ve got cannabis aphids arriving from somewhere (they fly) but the lady bugs are keeping them in check. I tested some on cuttings. Mosquito coils (synthetic pyrethrins) won’t kill them. Rosemary oil won’t kill them. 4 tsp of epsom salt/ litre water will dessicate them as it dries. Ladybugs are out late into the fall they are one of the last bugs around so I’m hoping not to treat the plants.

I use barn swallows for the caterpillars, lol. Those things will eat a lot of bugs.
Wish I had some barn swallows around!... One thing I do got is about 100 bats 20 ft away in a tree, they come out as the suns setting every night and just totally fuck the skies up. Im sure their guano has been having benefits near their tree as well, wish there was a way to harvest it. (Reminds me of a sweet documentary I saw the other night about a bat cave and like 1000 ft tall hill of pure bat guano from 1000s of years of billions of bats chillen in this cave... It was massive, like a literal mountain of just pure bat guano and then covered in cockroaches, but still.... crazy stuff.)

I dont think this was it, but looks similar just to give you a sense of scale.
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Holy shit ! Thought that jug was coming through the screen

Anyway I took some pics tonight ..they opened after a few days , kinda like petals protecting them . The flower tops still bent will open soon with a pack of pistils .

when looking at these pics you'll see what I mean ...they are opening fast now
View attachment 4652602

Yup this is the stuff you want to take care of any caterpillars... I spray at least once weekly, more if it rains after sometimes. Bottle will cost about 20 bucks for the season for me, I stop spraying so much once the buds are fat, at spray at night or am before direct light.

Make sure if/when you buy it you read the ingredients, there is a specific subspecies the B.t. is derived from, and "Kurstaki" is the one you want for caterpillars..

Also, it works wonders for tons of stuff so worth the money for sure.

I've seen 3 tiny caterpillars/inch worms all year on all my plants, They've been tiny too, like .25 inch to half inch at most.

As for latitude Im technically 41 basically 42 though... and all mine have been in flower for about 2 weeks or so, some are a little behind others but theyre all throwing a bunch of pistils, I'd call it week 1 or 2 if I were counting weeks which I dont. Dont worry NFG you'll get there.

If they arent going by the end of august Id start to worry a bit maybe, just because Im always flowering by now no matter what strain I grow usually.(prefer indicas and kush/diesel hybrids though, that could be why?) You're plants are mature yeah? They at least have a few pistils growing? What strain you running again I know ive seen your posts I just forget, and any excess on nitrogen by any chance?

Wish I had some barn swallows around!... One thing I do got is about 100 bats 20 ft away in a tree, they come out as the suns setting every night and just totally fuck the skies up. Im sure their guano has been having benefits near their tree as well, wish there was a way to harvest it. (Reminds me of a sweet documentary I saw the other night about a bat cave and like 1000 ft tall hill of pure bat guano from 1000s of years of billions of bats chillen in this cave... It was massive, like a literal mountain of just pure bat guano and then covered in cockroaches, but still.... crazy stuff.)

I dont think this was it, but looks similar just to give you a sense of scale.
looks like a giant slimy turd ..that's cool


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