Perpetual Grow. what nutes any input?


I am looking to start a hydro grow either ebb and flow or aero . my question is, is there a brand of nutes that run pretty much the whole grow at the same mixture ? that way I could keep all vegging plants in 1 system and all flowering plants in 1 system. then take only a few plants from that flower system to a final system for a 2 week flush. then I wouldnt have to mix up multiple jugs for diff stages of growth and keep thing perpetual. THANKS


Do any RIU members do a hydro perpetual grow with 1 system or is everyone here going all out with 4 hydro systems just for the flower room?


Well-Known Member
While you CAN grow with the same nutrient ratios from clone to veg to bloom, you won't get anywhere near the same quality you would from different purpose-specific mixes.


Active Member
Use these recipes and you'll do just fine.
This is not mine but lots of stoners use it with very good results.

Botanicare Nutrients.

The Nutrient Mix

Works well with 18 gal res.

150ml Clonex

Veg systems:
125ml Cal-Mag Plus
175ml Liquid Karma
550ml Pure Blend Pro Vegetative Formula
Flowering Systems:

250ml Cal-Mag Plus
250ml Sweet
175ml Liquid Karma
550ml Pure Blend Pro Bloom

Mix all the nutrients in a recycled gallon milk container. Add water and shake well. The whole mix will take an 18 gal reservoir to 2900 PPM.

Add about half of the mix and check your PPM. It will be low so you will have to keep adding nutrients until you get it to 2000 PPM.

It is easy to add more nutrients but hard to take them out. If you go over you have to drain some nutrients /water from the res and add more plain water.

That's why you want to take it slow at first.

Always adjust your PH after you set your nutrients PPM.
Fill the res with water and start adding the nutrient formula until it reaches the correct PPM.

What PPM level you run depends a lot on what strain you are running. 1700-2000 PPM is a safe number to start at but some strains can handle over 3000 PPM.

Every couple of days I add water. As the plants use up the nutrients you will have to add more formula. It's really too easy!

All you need is a cheap PPM meter. You need a PPM meter that goes to at least 2000 PPM. Stick it in the water and read the number.

Same with PH. Just put the meter in the water and it will tell you the PH. If it is below 5.8 you add PH up. If is above 5.8 you add PH down.


Well-Known Member
CannaBiogen Line works fantastic....low rez maintenance and you PH it're good until the next rez change...


Thank you. after posting this and not really getting what i was looking for( before these last 2 post) i found the LUCUS nutes using GH which i think will work out good. Anybody ever use the lucus method? how did it work what did you think?