Perpetual Armageddon!


Active Member
Howdy gang! I've got 4 Homegrown Fantaseeds Fem'd Armageddon and 1 DinaFem Fruit Automatic starting from seed in Pro-Mix in a dome under a 14" T5 and 90% Humidity. After a 100% germination rating, we planted them 4 days ago and have 4 Armageddons (2 to grow and 2 to mom) and 1 Fruit Automatic sprouted! I have to wipe my phone so I can take pics. (Don't worry, I don't upload from it.)

Doing a SCRoG in a 2x4 closet for veg/prop and a 5x10 Secret Jardin DRProII for flower/bloom. Starting under a 14" SunLeaves T5, then under 184w(actual) DIY CFL for veg, with another 184w CFL for the 2 moms. Going to take cuts from alternate mom every 2 weeks.

After Veg/Prop they go to the 5x10 under a 400w HPS for the first 4 weeks (2 week stations), then to a 1000w HPS for the last 4 weeks. (2 week stations)

All organic soil mix of Black Top, Perlite, and Organic Peat, being fed with G.O. Nutes,

All feedback/input is welcome so long as you're not a douche!


Active Member
All four Arms have sprouted and working on their first real set of leaves. The Fruit Automatic is done with it's first set and working on it's second. Things are going great for what little progress there is. Just waiting for things to really start moving so we can start using the big guns! I'll have pics up by the end of the week.


Active Member
I'll be going to the garden later tonight for pics. After reading the word molasses over and over in some threads on here, I decided to go looking for what it was all about as I've been doing hydro for some time now, and my dirt grows before that were bag-seed, watered and fed with.....water.

Come to find out, there are these magical concoctions called "teas" that feed your plants! (Inside info, I know!) After about an hour of searching and reading, lo and behold, to my amazement, what did I find? A tea mixture that uses molasses! During our last grow I had a friend drop a lot of gear on me for real cheap and part of that gear was 3 different guanos, 2 bags each. Well, it just so happens that this tea recipe calls for the guanos I have!

At the moment we are on a budget and we hadn't purchased the G.O. nutes yet, so using the guano's we have and a 3 dollar bottle of molasses is a no-brainer. After already having our MH ballast take a dump on us, we need to pinch pennies wherever we can.

I would also like to say, I have found a wealth of knowledge on RIU and thank everyone greatly for their contributions. This forum has increased my knowledge 5 fold already with the little reading I am able to do a day and for what it's worth I can't wait for "The end of the world as we know it!" This Armageddon is going to be primo and I wish I could share a sample with everyone!:eyesmoke:


Active Member

So after letting my partner/apprentice destroy the first round sans 2, I had to set him straight on how to germ and plant taps.... You would think one would know the difference between humidity and soil moisture content, but apparently I didn't explain the difference well enough. He had the soil completely drenched for the last week and a half and for lack of a better explanation, he fucking killed all but two sprouts AND DIDN'T HAVE THE WHERE-WITH-ALL TO FUCKING CALL ME?!?!? WTF?!?!?!?!?11?!111ONE!!111!

I showed up today and my heart sank so hard, it played a game of gin-rummy with my balls.... 2 Arms and the AutoFruit down the toilet. I was REALLY looking forward to that Automatic Grapefruit... He says, "What? I thought you said high humidity in the dome? That's why I left a layer of water on the bottom of the tray..." Anyone wanna tell me what's oh-so-very-wrong with that statement? It all looked so sad that I couldn't bring myself to take pics... I feel like a douche for not posting any, but I got nothin' I'm proud of yet. Give it a week to let the two we have turn around and to get the new girls to sprout status and I'll start posting pics. I promise! I've worked out a schedule to where I'm at the garden every 2 days and will be able to babysit my apprentice. He started on my last hydro grow but has nil experience when it comes to organic soil. Hell, nil when it comes to pretty much everything....he can Ph and add nutes. He has no clue what "runoff" or "worm castings" are. I really didn't think he could fuck up prop, but I didn't take into account Murphey's Law. (Anything that can, will) So I gave him Jorge's 1st DVD for homework. That should keep his hands busy and off my investment long enough to see how things work under proper care. (Mine)

Needless to say, we started 3 more Arms tonight and the BluWidow from DinaFem. Hopefully I'll have good news to report back with in a few days...


Active Member
Thanks for stopping by Flip! I know there's nothing pretty to look at right now, but after setting up our tea brewing station tomorrow, I'll be posting pics.

A LOT of progress today!

After fixing our over-watering problem, I am happy to report the girls are looking much better and have started getting back to growing! The DinaFem Blu Widow did NOT germinate, but I'm not too salty about that, considering it was a freebie. Maybe we'll have better luck with the Critical Jack and Diesel.... We started germinating 3 more Arms 2 days ago and all 3 had a 1" tap 48 hrs. later! Good times! Good times!

All new taps were planted today in red dixie cups filled with Pro-Mix Organic Potting Soil. Will be feeding in 2 days with a seedling tea consisting of 1tbs Molasses and 3 1/2 tbs Earthworm Castings(EWC) per gallon of distilled water, brewed 24 hrs. We also got the CFL lights built for the room! We aren't going to use the hoods until we start using a 2nd tent because they are very, very bright and there will be 2 different lights hanging in the 2'x3' closet. Coverage and penetration shouldn't be a problem. I think 25k lumens should be enough for no more than 8 plants at a time. Right? Any suggestions on this? I have enough materials to build another light with 12 bulbs at 1.6k Lumens a piece, ontop of the two 8 bulb CFL lights we've already built.

All in all, I'd say it was a good game today!


Active Member
If you partners a idiot why let him touch the seedlings?
He's not a complete shmo, he caught on real quick with the last hydro grow and he's pretty smart. But he came in half-way through the ops, so his knowledge of veg and prop is....well....nil. And this whole organic tea thing is blowing his mind. I spelled half of Micorrhyzae to him and I swear to god, I watched the left side of his face stroke out! Now that things are on a roll again and he's watched me do things 2 nights in a row, he's a little more, shall we say....EA....In the Game....get it? HA! Bottom line, I trust he'll make a fine member of the Order of the Green Thumb.

Flip The Script

Active Member
Thats good you had a good day bro.

I too am running a similar setup as you with a 5x10 jardin and a custom built cab. I'm using the whole GO line as well with supplemental compost tea


Active Member
Thats good you had a good day bro.

I too am running a similar setup as you with a 5x10 jardin and a custom built cab. I'm using the whole GO line as well with supplemental compost tea
That GO line is what we'll be using in our hydro setup in a couple months. We were going to use it for this one but I already had the guanos and the rest of the tea ingredients were real cheap. I wanted to go back to soil to teach this guy from the ground up and you get denser more flavorful nugs in my opinion. It takes a little longer, but for a newbie like him, he needs the time to be able to recognize and diagnose any problems the girls may have.


Active Member
Mwahahahaaaaaa! Finally some pics. Like I said, nothing super fancy to look at, but it's an update w/pics none the less! Enjoy! There's shots of the fresh babies, the light we built, all our ferts, dirt, and tea brewer station, and the mess that encompasses our tent for now.IMAG0095.jpgIMAG0097.jpgIMAG0088.jpgIMAG0100.jpgIMAG0086.jpgIMAG0089.jpgIMAG0098.jpgIMAG0087.jpgIMAG0094.jpgIMAG0090.jpgIMAG0093.jpgIMAG0091.jpg


Well-Known Member
If there's one thing I've learned it's that people with no experience will find a way to fuck up a grow. No matter how simple the grow actually is.


Active Member
If there's one thing I've learned it's that people with no experience will find a way to fuck up a grow. No matter how simple the grow actually is.
Oh how right you are! I've relegated him to a watch-then-do system now because he's a kinesthetic learner like me. Gotta be hands-on!

Flip The Script

Active Member
Wassup delta! things are lookin good the babies are lookin nice and ready to pop. That shot of your tent with all that stuff inside of it drew me back lol gotta get in there and put in work man! How are you planning to set up your ventilation system and what size trays are you planning to use?

Did your Jardin come with a I bar that goes on the ground? Mines was missing...I think

Thanks for sharing the pictures! even if you think its nothing to look at its always interesting watching the progress later on down the line.


Active Member
Wassup delta! things are lookin good the babies are lookin nice and ready to pop. That shot of your tent with all that stuff inside of it drew me back lol gotta get in there and put in work man! How are you planning to set up your ventilation system and what size trays are you planning to use?

Did your Jardin come with a I bar that goes on the ground? Mines was missing...I think

Thanks for sharing the pictures! even if you think its nothing to look at its always interesting watching the progress later on down the line.
Thanks man! Yeah there was no bar for the center on the ground. I figured they might think that it would get in the way... We are going to use individual trays for the bottom of the pots and here is a link to the pots we are going to use.

Our ventilation consists will be something along these lines.ventilation.jpg

It'll be nice to watch a timeline of it all!

Flip The Script

Active Member
nice i'm running something similar except I have 2 extra inline boosters for an added push

and about the bar I called greners this morning they said that within the past 2 months there has been ALOT of people calling about the missing I bar and that it was never a problem up until then. He told me that I'll defeniently need it because it gives it support and stability so he's going to figure out when they can get it from the vendor and ship it out to me asap.

You should do the same I mean i set it up without it and it seems fine but for now i'mm not going to be doing any kind of projects just hanging lights and vents to see how they hold up/ and see how i'm going to situate the room.