Period of Darkness or 12/12 for extra growth?


Active Member
I'd keep her goin 12ers personally not quite sold on the dark thing. Done it both ways nothing dramatic either way.


Well-Known Member
im with herbbilly iv only done the dark period once and i didn't notice any difference, i get too impatient i feel like even if it did we would kno about it somthing set in stone and not just another trivial who knows about growing...


Well-Known Member
you could just try 8 hours of light and see how that goes. i have yet to try the dark period or anything myself either.


Active Member
I believe the idea with a dark period is to produce more THC, being as light damages THC, so you won't get larger buds but maybe slightly more potent ones.


Well-Known Member
So everyone wants to give advice on something they have not tried....
None of us have tried it...[so far, and someone will surely step in here-to say it works great ?]
Seems like an old wives tale to me, or old pot farmers tale, with no logic attached...

I try to base my grow on common sense and logic...

If growing outside, how many days of dark would your plants get before you harvested...
This ain't the north pole in winter...


New Member
i think thc potency is determined by genes. therefore i would run 12/12 or maybe even 10/14 for the next few days. or you could run 12/12 for one day, and then do 24 hrs of darkness.

really up to you. i dont think it will make much of a difference. btw, your flowers look amazing dude :weed:


Well-Known Member
Dark period is takes 8-9-10-11 weeks to mature n ripen....I doubt much is gonna happen in a couple days of darkness....I never do it....and my buds always top notch
I tried 48 hours of darkness on a plant 2 grows ago and I really couldn’t tell a difference from the rest of the crop. Which i left in the flower room. Since then i have not tried it. I still dry my flowers in total darkness though.


Well-Known Member
the theory behind the dark period is that it will make the plant think its dying, so it will produce more resin to try and catch pollen with before it dies. wheter its true or not i cant say


Well-Known Member
It did not make any difference when I tried it for 3 days,now I harvest just before lights on.
The 3 days made my plants think I was punishing them and they looked worse.
Next I want to try at the end of lights on.