perfect setup


Active Member
Right ive had one successful grow before with 6 bb plants which ended up 3 being female and i got on oz dried bud per plant all in my closet using soil and a 250 w cfl.I didnt use and filters r fans simply used an ozone generator to get rid of the smell which worked nicely.

Now im thinking much bigger scale.I have 2 big rooms.
One is 8x10 so i was thinking the veg room.
second is 10x14.

well basically i was just wondering if ye'd help me out on the best way to rig these rooms for best yeild possible.:hump:

And aslo what u think the electricity bill is going to run each month for whatever lights and equipment im gonna need.

I was thinking just some cheap fluorescents for veg to minimize cost , but then want some nice nice big hps for flowering room for some nice big bud:hump:


Well-Known Member
if your planning on vegging in an 8x10 room your going to need and want more than flourescents. Im not sure if you are really planning on utilizing all of the space in both rooms but if you are this is going to be a pretty big grow and as such you will need some pretty major lighting. Ild say atleast 1000w in the 8x10 and atleast 2000w in the 10x14 and that is on the low side even at that your watts per sq ft will only be about 10-15 and you really want something more like 35-50. Assuming your not really using every square foot 1000w for one and 2000 for the other may be enough but I don't think you could really fully utilize a space this big with anything less.


Active Member
well i plan on using as much room as possible ,, the cost would be the only reason why i wouldnt use all the space.

So if i did have 1000w in the veg room and 2000w in the flowering room along with whatever carbon filters and fans i would need.Would the electricity bill be a regular price r would it be way too high? How much would it run at a month?