perfect lights for closet grow??


I'm new to growing cannabis but I try to be optimisitc, and I have very nice plans on how to utilize my small space for big yields.

Now I have a closet in my room, nothing special I'm going to start off real small with a couple seeds, and see if i can get some ladies, in soil, probably just a CFL grow for a month. Then once I find the female i'm going to use the two shelfs at the top of my closet for two separate vegetative areas using two 15 plant dwc cloners with all the cfls i purchased for the seeds, then on the floor level, I am trying to set up a flower room with anywhere from 3-4 8 plant hydro systems.

Initially I was going to cheap out and just use a bunch of cfls, but after carefully thinking about how fast I want my turnover rate to be, and the quality/yields of my finished product I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to need a HPS light for my flower room AT THE LEAST!!!

So my question is which HPS light would be better for 24- 32 plants in a space 3'x3' at the most... and thats even pushing it. 250w or 400w or can i go lower if possible?

Also I don't understand the whole ventilation thing at all, i think its just the words intake, and exhaust that are making it difficult. I know there definition but I just can't get a mental picture on how i can achieve it. If someone can simply walk me through ventilation, that would be very much appreciated as well. Thanks.
make one whole with one fan that blows into your grow, and another done on the oposite side with the fan facing the same direction so you have a fan blowing air out of your room. its all about suction of air. o and if you have a really bad as computer with 4-5 fan you could always set it up right in a space to use the computer and still have the computer fans blowing some air,just dot use this as primary.
Air cool it and get a 600. Its not called club 600 for nothing, They are the most efficient lumen per watt available and they produce good results. Get a supernova or similar hood and it will cover your area in intense light and produce dense stick buds dripping with trichs.

Just my 2 cents.

Dont skimp on lights or temperature control and smell control. Do it right do it once and do it properly !

Always maintain negative pressure inside the area. This means that you are sucking out more air through a filter than you are putting into your intake. (google carbon filter, inline fan and ducting)

This ensures the smell doesnt escape.

I use a 250, but I only have 4 plants growing. Anything under 400 for your setup & the plants probably wont receive enough light in the later stages.
More light is never overkill if you have the kit to cool it.

I use a run of ducting purely to cool my lights, this isolates the heat from the rest of the tent and keeps my temps ultra stable with my SMSCOM controller.

I then have the carbon filter hooked as my outtake on another fan and I just use a passive intake to ensure that I maintain the negative pressure.

The other option would be to run the carbon filter to the air cooled lights to a fan as the exaust. Cooling your lights less efficiently but meaning you dont need 2 fans and 2 sets of ducting.

If you have the cash two fans and a dual fan temperature controller with air cooled hoods will produce massively. But only if you spend the cash to keep the temps down.

If not you might as well go with a 250 or a 400 which will majorly drop your yield.

Just my 2 cents.

You can use PC fans but I found that 5 PC fans for intake and outtake could only just cover my CFL's. Get a bigass inline and reap the rewards later !

Completely strain dependent I am currently growing quite a few. The critical mass I have yields around 3 oz a plant with a 3-4 week veg from clone and it flowers in 8 weeks with high quality bud. I could probably fit about 18 plants that size in my budbox xxl (2.4 meters long 1.2 wide and 2 high) and I veg in a separate area.

I Currently use soil with the house and garden range and I could never compromise the quality of soil based ganja with hydro unless I needed to up my yield which I dont to be honest.

You can find my grow journal here and it has the details of my latest critical mass grow along with a bunch of other strains at seedling stage. LINK -

Have a browse around it you can see the details of my setup and the nutrient regime I use.

Its all personal preference to be honest, many people swear by hydro and for yield and potency I would recommend it but when it comes to the quality of the high and the tastyness of the weed and how it feels on your throat you cannot beat soil.

Looks just like my supernova's :)

I recommend sunmaster dual spec bulbs there are better but they are reasonable and excellent kits of kit.

You will need a run of ducting to cool it, two if you decide to use two fans.


definitely will sub... but now ur starting to lose me,... i need fans to blow on the plants to keep the stems strong, ok, i need two fans for intake/ exhaust ok, and i need fans to cool the light now? or is that included w the kit?
8 Weeks of flowering, After the veg period.

If you spend the cash do it like this.

Duct outside cab to inside cab to air cooled light to duct out of cab to fan (the fan end should blow out air)

Carbon filter (ideally inside cab but it can be outside) with ducting going to outside the cab - to fan. ( the fan should blow out air)

Inline fans pull better than they push so make sure your fans are pulling the air through and not pushing it along.

I would then run a small passive intake (make sure its light proof), and buy a single temperature controller for the exhaust fan.

A passive intake is literally just a hole :P

The air cooled light fan will remove most of the heat and the temperature controller (mine was 100 for a dual fan controller but they are as cheap as 40 for a single fan controller) will keep the temperature constantly in check. It will save you a massive headache because they just stop growing after 88 F.

Hope this helps.
