Perfect light distance/intensity for autoflowers


Active Member
Hey there-

I’ve had 30 gallons of soil “cooking” for 4 weeks now with Earth Dust and other organic amendments, so I’m ready to pot. I have some auto seeds germinating. I can see some of the white fuzzy bacteria formed on top of the soil. Before I scoop it out the tote into 5 gallon fabric pots, should I mix it one more time , or do I want to remove that white film first ? Assuming i don’t have to because it’s healthy bacteria living organisms.

I was only told for autoflowers with an ES300, 80% intensity at 30-36” above canopy… but, What heights and intensities should i have my ES300 specifically through each of the stages?

Germination -?
Seedling- ?
Veg -?
Flower- ?

Also, this is my first time trying living soil. After I pot the soil and plant the seeds, I plan to only very lightly water the tops like usual until they sprout and become established. Don’t want to overwater and rot the baby…. Since this is living soil, I know it’s said to need to be kept moist for it to stay “alive”. So with this being sort of a dilemma for living soil just sprouting beans, how do you recommend I tend the moisture level in the soil to keep it alive and well? Should i keep the fabric pots off the plant risers and let them sit flat on the plant saucers and then water a little on the bottom for the pots to absorb?

Any info helps! Thanks


Well-Known Member
Aim for a DLI of 30-50 all the way through. 30 would be 500umol/a for 18 hours, 50 would be 800umol/s for 18h.

Anywhere inbetween those two numbers will be fine...

I have a few seedlings in my tent at a DLI of 45 right now and they are fine. I just hate having to overcomplicate things if you can just run 700umol/s start to finish and be within recommended DLI.
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