People want cheap weed, and Aurora Cannabis is paying the price


Well-Known Member
like they didnt know this 5 years ago? lol

Canadians want cheap weed, which isn’t great for companies that want to make expensive cannabis.

Cannabis companies in Canada have long promised “super premium” products, some going as far as predicting demand for $100 grams of the plant. Canadian consumers are heading the other way, however, as Aurora Cannabis Inc. outlined Thursday in an earnings report that revealed quarterly losses of more than C$1 billion.

Chief Financial Officer Glen Ibbott said in a conference call that 17% of the Canadian cannabis market was purchases of cheap weed — less than C$9 ($6.79) a gram — as of December, up from just 2% over the summer. Meanwhile, premium pot went from a market share in the mid-30% range to 17%.

“So, [it took] a hard turn,” Ibbott said in the call.

Aurora focused on high-grade cannabis at its Whistler facility and in specific brands under Chief Executive Terry Booth and former Chief Corporate Officer Cam Battley. Aurora changed its leadership, however, and executives said Thursday that it plans to launch a cheaper brand called Daily Special.

See also: Aurora Cannabis covets California’s weed culture, but can’t pronounce one word correctly

Aurora’s statements in the call Thursday reflect a broad trend in the sector across Canada, in every jurisdiction — people who enjoy and buy cannabis want cheap, strong weed and will speak with their wallets, according to PI Financial analyst Jason Zandberg. Pressure for inexpensive pot was nearly inevitable, he said, but Zandberg and industry executives were caught off-guard by how quickly the demand arrived.

“Clearly, there is more production of cannabis than demand, but I didn’t expect downward pricing pressure for weed this soon, just over a year into the legal market,” Zandberg said in a phone interview late Thursday.

Demand for less costly marijuana has already driven down the price at which Aurora can sell its weed by 10%, to C$4.76 a gram, in just three months, and Zandberg said his team expects a similar drop in the current quarter. Aurora is paying the same costs for growing, packaging and selling pot, which means lower margins, Zandberg pointed out.

Aurora Cannabis reported “a hard turn” in the Canadian cannabis market toward cheaper weed Thursday.
© Bloomberg News/Landov Aurora Cannabis reported “a hard turn” in the Canadian cannabis market toward cheaper weed Thursday.
Cheaper weed may also hurt Aurora in other ways. The company recently promised its bankers that in exchange for easing its immediate obligations, it will report positive earnings before interest depreciation taxes and amortization by the end of the fiscal year. Failing to do so would breach the terms of C$162 million of senior secured term loans.

“Aurora faces a lot of headwinds,” Zandberg said. “When you start to see the price of cannabis decline, it’s going to be harder to hit that [Ebitda] milestone. They’re not especially cash-rich for an organization of its size and there are a lot of factors at play here.”

The desire for cheap marijuana also damaged Supreme Cannabis Co. Inc.’s results — the company cited demand for cheaper weed as one of four reasons why it abandoned its fiscal 2020 guidance Thursday afternoon.

Aurora’s U.S.-traded shares added a penny to $1.47 in Thursday trading following the earnings report. The Cannabis ETF closed up 0.2%.
We just want the government to respect our rights and mind their own business. I personally do not “want” anything from the government or these LP’s. I’m not that type.

They are trying to raise the price so they can make more money. They use public resources to eliminate the competition. It has been pointed out here recently that so called legal cannabis oils are selling for a higher price than gold is.

By the time it’s all said and done this is going to cost us Canadians a big pile of money, time and health (if anyone actually is smoking that shit lol).

I can’t have crappy weed for any price. And really what is cheaper than free.
people want great weed
and if it is... they will pay for it
True, but the people that are buying lp weed are not everyday or regular smokers. The biggest portion of buyers are millennial hipsters that think its cool, some gen z hipsters and baby boomers that are trying weed again because its legal. Most of these buyers have no clue what decent weed is and just want the cheapest option. Anybody thats a regular smoker and likes quality wont leave the original market until quality and price match the legal market which wont happen.