Pencaps Ice/Afghani DWC/Soil


Well-Known Member
Ok, Ordered my seeds from Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices Got 10 Ice, and 5 free. They were mailed to the US from Amst in 6 days. Ordered and recieved 2
150watt HPS for 16 bucks each from Amazon. The day the lights got here, I germinated the 5 Afg.s in paper towel, and 24 hrs later every one popped a tap root.
Lights in my 2x3 sq ft area are blinding, and pretty hot. have to figure out a vent. plan, as the first two hours temps got to 90+*. Outside air temps were in the 70's on that day, but since a cold front has come through with temps 50 to low 30's outside that left the room tems at a perfect 80*. Humidity fluctuating from 25-45%. As long as winter stays in tx, heat shouldnt be a prob.....but still gonna cut a hole somewhere for heat exhaust.

72 hours after dropping germ.s into soil, were giving birth! Labor is intense, as an expecting father, I'm bi-hourly checking to see for little green heads to pop up!. Two outta five are popin out to their first day of 100 lumens per sq ft!

My plan is to experiment by transplanting seedlings into the dwc. I've a few soil grows under my belt, one hydro down, but I've never transplanted from soil to DWC before.....figured I'd do the freebies as guinea pigs~ I want a good root system before transplanting. Just too scared to fuck with dropping a seed into rock wool. Gonna go with what I know works for me!

Still need a few more things for my DWC set up, such as medium and air/pump/stones/lines. I'll be using GH Flora Grow, and ph Down. GH ph test.
No ppm meter as of yet, but not needed at the moment....Gotta go take a peek. I'm a FATHER!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nice deal from amazon!

Got a camera to throw us some pics? Pics are always lovely, as you know.

And being the journal-whore I am, drop by my thread and tell me what you think. Catch ya there.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Steve, Gwarrior, but no as of this posting no digi cam...last one I had got wet Tubin' down the river and hasnt worked right since...but maybe for x-mas??? (I still believe!)

Went out and checked, now have 3 babies outta 5~ sure by am the other two will pop up.
Also took the venting matter to heart and cut a 4x6 inch hole in the ceiling....There will be NO heat problems now, I could feel the cold air coming in from under the just gotta keeep optimum temps, and get those supplies for the dwc. Temp was 78 and hum 30% @ 8:45......gonna go back and check every 1/2 hour to see how cool its gettin in there....hope not too much...sheeat, in 15 min it dropped a degree and dropped a %....fixed that REAL fast!!

1:00 am, gave birth to #4 with a little luck the "runt" should pop up by sun up!


Well-Known Member
pencap why the hell didn't you tell me you are starting a grow journal? Damn you! that sucks you can't take pictures yet but xmas is just around the corner, by then you should have plenty to show us, hey could you post a link to that 150w hps, it sounds like it would be perfect for a breading chamber...

Welcome me aboard, good luck to you and your grow!


Well-Known Member
Hey Hombolt.....I figured ya would find me, wasnt gonna realy advertise till i got something good to put in, like ALL 5 Afghani babies are in the delivery/nursery room!!
Yup! Proud father of 5!!!
Heres the link to the HPS, but the prices mine 4 16 dollars, and the next day the price doubled....

Yea, I really didnt even wanna start a juornal till I got a cam, but WTF....I can put in some good info till then. Thanks for droppin in, and I saw your post~ you tasted any yet????


Well-Known Member
Thanks pencap for the link, it's up to 48 bucks right now, ouch! oh well I put it in my favs, maybe it will go back down, I only smoked some of the immature clippings that I took so that the growth will focus on the more mature buds, wasn't anything to right home about, I did prune some more last night and got a couple of the more mature buds, I'm drying them now in paper bag, maybe I will get a good idea of what type of high I'm looking at.. I will be posting updates on it in my journal..

Hurry up and get a camera would ya:mrgreen: do you have a webcam?


Well-Known Member
Ok......small update...
went to Lowes, bought a 25 lb bag of Lava Sand for it cheap cuz it was a "busted bag"....took it home, got out the collander (spaghetti strainer) and strained that whole bag to get some premium chunks ov lava rock for my medium. Wasted over 3/4 of it to the strainer....Most of it WAS sand....Made quite a mess on the patio, but me and the "rent a kids" had quite a time playing in the water/sand/mud/ GRAVEL! (cheap labor)
The Lava Rocks, are the same thing...but this Lava sand is have to strain it, rinse it, and strain and wash it agian....Finaly got it clean

Now have 6 net pots worth of medium for 1.50!! Now I'm scanning craigs list for "Freebie" aquarium pumps.....Total cost so far.........
1.50 Lava Sand 25 lb bag
7.00 45 watt cfl (lumens 18000??)
8.00 lamp w/shield
16.oo HPS 150 watt lamp
16.oo HPS 150 watt lamp
Free shipping
6.47 Temp/ humidity gague
13.oo GH Flora
17.oo GH PH down
6.oo GH PH Test kit (dropletts/chart)
2.97 Walmart brand Organic soil mix

Seeds...........10 Ice,40.00 + 5
Ice and Afhgani

SUB total

Scavenged items....
1 20 gallon rubbermaid tote w/lid
2 4 gallon "food grade" buckets w/ air tight lids
12 foot of chain for hanging lights...
2x4 foot OSB ply wood to mount lights on
25 ft extension cord
6 outlet power strip
Electrical tape
2 Coat hangers to fasten hanging hooks to osb light platform to chains...
6 " 6 "home made net pots, made from butter tubs...just drill a shit load of
1/8 inch holes every where"
CRAP...........That's All I can think of....Cuz I cant think anymore!!!!

The 5 babies are doing is already shooting up HER second set of leaves! I'm an optimist....HER!!!
Need to get those Air pumps soon and transplant into the DWC...........

Will send pics as soon as I get a digi cam....
Temps are holding steady at 75-80*
Humidity fluctuating from 23 to 35

Post any suggestions, comments...will reply to alll!
Good growing to each, blessings to those that comment!


Well-Known Member
Fine don't answer me and WOW! looks like you have everything needed minus the camera:mrgreen: I can't wait to see how you set all this up, also I'm curious to see what these 150w lamps are capable of, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
Hum, didnt know ya asked me anything...sorry! I'm kinda thinking I'll need more light...maybe one more HPS at 150 watts....but later~ by the time these babies get to 3 feet and budding, the lumen ratio quickly drops per foot, exponentialy...Just read hin HT that every foot you raise your lamps, say you start out with 10000 lumens, raise it to 2 feet youre only getting like 3000, raise it another foot, you only get 1000~So to cover my 6'garden, I'm gonna need more than I have right now....I'm thinking one more for "side" lighting, should do it nicely!


Well-Known Member
got some extra cash this afternoon, went to Wally world and bought
1 15" bubble stone
2 5 " bubble stones
2 "T" fittings,
25 ft of tubing
1 Aqua Culture double outlet 20/60 gallon air pump with 2 check valves
1 Brinks #42-1010 Timer

Sub total = 28.07

Previous total carried foreward 92.44
Wally world today 28.07

As of today total 120.51

STARTED PAINTING THE TUBS A CHOCOLATE BROWN,another scavenged item (paint)
Going for second coat right now....

BTW...I went to the pet shop to compare prices/GPM on the air pumps,...and the pet dude said when you buy the air stones??? You should boil them for a minute or two...It improves air flow!!! Also after a few months when they start to clog...take em out and re boil them....
So I did.........


Well-Known Member
Transplanted the 5 babies into the DWC set up, 2 4 gallons, and one 18 gallon tub. Everything seems to be "growing great". There was little problen transplanting from soil into the DWC tanks. Maybe an hours worth of drooping, but by midnight, everyone was perky..24 hours later I swaer I can see new growth. I'm glad I transplanted when I did, the roots had already reached the bottom of the starter cups! (started them in 5 one liter soda bottles cut in half.) Still looking for a cheap digi cam...cant figure out how to upload pics to my pc from my phone...) Take care!


Well-Known Member
Nice pencap, dirt to hydro, that must of been a task, glad everything ended up well, pictures would be nice, don't you have an owners manual?


Well-Known Member
Right on pencap, looking good, hope all goes well, HOOAH! for the picture .. FINELY! I see it's a bitch but keep them pictures coming!


Well-Known Member
Tried taking a pic w/the hps lights good! This is just 1 of the cps for photographic cell camera sux!


Well-Known Member
Sweet!, lol you do have the same temp/hum meter I have, I got mine at walmart, where'd you get yurs? I recently read your post over at my pad, you're right the phone could get quite expensive posting pics, save the monies and get an actual camera...