
Tha Dank

Active Member
has anyone here done pcp befor? ive never done it so i was wonderin if anybody here wud recommend doing it. ive hurd alota positive and negative things about it. responses wud be much appreciated


Active Member
I have no personal experience with it but ive heard that it is one of the most intoxicating and dirty drugs around.


Well-Known Member
Hey I know I'm new here but I did try it a long time ago and to be honest with you I didn't like it very much. The closest thing that I could compare it to is like being in a K - hole, unless you like that sort of thing. One of the main things I remember was feeling like I was dead and I was leaving my body and I could see this while it was all happening!!!

Now I've dropped acid several hundred times over the past 20 years and I never had such a scary feeling!!! But like all hallucinogenics, the results are very unpredictable from individual to individual.

Hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
k-hole is a semi-conscious state. i think the term is derived from the somewhat common in recreational use, feline tranquilizer called ketamine aka special-K. you are so fucked up that if you weighed 2 pounds and had fur, a veterinarian could neuter you. why anyone would ever want to find themselves in such a state, I don't know...unless they had a rape fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Believe me, it wasn't a state I wanted to be in. The guy I got it from gave me a gram of K after I bought a bunch of other stuff (1oz of kind and 1/2 a sheet of blotter). At that time I had only done K one time prior to that but I didn't remember exactly how much I had taken, so I didn't have much basis for comparison. So when I took the free gram home with me, me and my girlfriend did a couple of small lines and tumbled down rabbit hole :confused::confused::confused:.

As I said before I didn't like the end result and it reminded me of that one time when I did get wet. I would much rather be harassed by a cop on a head full of acid, which btw I have then to go through that again :twisted:. And, trust me if you've got to ask then you shouldn't be messing with the stuff to begin with :blsmoke:.


Well-Known Member
has anyone here done pcp befor? ive never done it so i was wonderin if anybody here wud recommend doing it. ive hurd alota positive and negative things about it. responses wud be much appreciated
its pretty hardcore and you can't just catch a buzz 2 hits and your blindsided, incapasitated, and just out of your mind its not for the faint of heart


New Member
I wrote my story about this a couple times on her before. I smoked and ate some on accident before (I bought some weed that was laced with it), but only 1 time. Long story short, it was bad. Since I ate and smoked it I was high for 6+ hours, but it wasnt a good high. I was very very scared at 1st, then I accepted that I was going to die. There was nothing positive about it at all, Even the day after I had a feeling that I wasnt alive, but I had to thank god that I was still alive in the morning. IDK maybe it made me crazy or somethin.

I wouldnt recommend it based on my personal experience with it. U can try it but I would recommend that u dont do it by urself and only do a small amount, and be prepared to be really really messed up. Its like being high/drunk/and having a nightmare but its reality at the same time. I had really bad cotton mouth, I couldnt walk straight, I couldnt even talk man, it was crazy. The only ppl that I could think that would like doing this are ppl that dont care about anything. I didnt feel right for like 2 weeks after I did it. I wouldnt recommend it.


Well-Known Member
sherman like stated above is not for the faint of heart, its a very strong Dissociative & Psychedelic, in my opinion alot stronger than acid, if your have to ask then you dont need to do it. its not for everyone, and the possibility of having somewhat of a "bad trip" i guess you would call it is very strong unless you know what your getting into and are in the righ place / setting. personally, i enjoy a dipped cig every now and then.


Well-Known Member
very true i have eaten multiple ten strips at times and it does not in my opinion even compare to smoking even 2 bags of wet ass dust


Mr I Can Do That For Half
If your doing pcp,coke,heroine,meth,speed, crack, crank,acid,pills or such your just an retard. If it isnt natural then you should be using it. If its from nature and you dont have to mix or create it thenits ok..Stick to weed,salvia,shrooms,hash and licking toads


New Member
Like I said personally I dont think Im ever doin the shit again. I didnt see anything positive about it. Its not like shrooms or acid where its mostly mental and u still can kind of communicate with ur environment whether it be reality or a different realm. If u do a lot of PCP then u will have no idea what is going on at all and u might forget who u are or what u are, its kinda like being unconcious. but then again it might have different effects on different people, maybe I just did too much.


Well-Known Member
"If your doing pcp,coke,heroine,meth,speed, crack, crank,acid,pills or such your just an retard. If it isnt natural then you should be using it. If its from nature and you dont have to mix or create it thenits ok..Stick to weed,salvia,shrooms,hash and licking toads"

alrite green peace hippy liberal environmentalist douche


in early 90's a friend of mine (chemistry major) was making tons of LSD and some he told us that he was using PCP as a vehicle th adhere it to blotter paper. i dont think he was bullshiting because of his position and this acid would make walls melt in front of your face. and peak for a solid 5 hours