PC Stealth Grow help

I've been searching round the internet for quite awhile looking for a good easy to follow step by step guide to making a PC grow box but can't seem to find one anyone seen one on other forums or anything?

I was thinking about just trying to do it my self but I'm not the best with stuff like that and would more than likely fuck it up and waste my money :dunce:

Was also thinking about buying this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/pc-grow-case-/170985233782?pt=UK_HomeGarden_Garden_PlantsSeedsBulbs_JN&hash=item27cf839d76


Active Member
It seems a little pricy but its nice i guess.
The problem is that those fans are going to leak light and smell etc.
The second problem is that i dont see any lights in there.
The fans have blue leds that would disturb the cycle of non auto strains.
Theres no way to get rid of the smell!
The chance of overgrowing it are pretty high.

These problems and others can be worked out though. There are alot of diy designs that are as easy as painting a box.
i find icmags diy and linkorama very helpfull aswell as roll it ups diy fourms.

First off I have a few questions for you

What do you plan on growing?
How secretive do you have to be?
Is the place where you live excessivly hot or cold of humid or deserty? This can make or break small passive grows.
How many plants are you wanting to grow?

Ive seen successfull pc grows and know alot about growing in small spaces, just getting my feet wet in larger stuff.
Good Luck

might as well just grow in a big sealed carboard box thats painted a ton. of


Ha. That's my current REAL PC case. I can vouch for it's ample room, but you'd better have it in a cabinet or closet to help close off air flow because it's going to stink like a mofo come flowering.

Otherwise I think it would be a good box to grow in. There's certainly ample room for my PC Hardware and all the cabling. Great air flow.