pc grow box, suggestions anyone?

hey everyone
im a second time grower but first time indoor. iv been reading about growing for about 3 months now maybe even 4 and im pretty sure i know everything i need to know to produce some decent buds but i was looking for a second opinion from someone who knows what really there doing. i recently stumbled apon a pc box with no guts in it and turned it into a grow box. i have 2 sprouts growing right now and i was looking for some tips or suggestions. i posted some pictures of my setup, take a look and tell me what u think...

~Organic :leaf:~

hey again
just wanted to post an update and see if anyone can possibly help. i increased the ventilation and im now using one 26 watt cfl and one 15 watt cfl and my grow box is at a steady 82 degrees, i just want to know if im using enough light and if my temp is too high.... any suggestion please and thank u



New Member
yea thats a very good setup man. i suggest you add 1 or two more cfls. thos look like 13w to me..im also doing a similar grow but micro size. it so hard to jus find a large pc box. you lucky. if you need any other help i have some knowledg!

oh you should research lst. if you dont already know what it is. because your going to need it if growing in a pc box
i know all about low stress training, i read alot about it. i have 2 14 watt bulb in now and i have 2 26 watt bulbs, i didnt use them cuz it was up to 90 degrees F with the 2 higher watt bulbs. should i use to the 2 26 watt bulbs or 1 14 and 1 26? or what?
glad i found someone who is growing with a pc box as well....
i just put in one of the 26 watt bulbs and left one 14 watt to see how it does temp wise and i increased the exhaust fan for better ventalation. u said urs was higher than 90 degrees at one point... what happened and were ur plants ok or what? if its around 86-88 degreees will that be ok or is that bad?


New Member
i tested these temps before i even planted her. but i really think 80-89 is a bit to high. marijuana can survive temps of up to 100 but this puts a whole lot of stress..
is your pc box in an open area?
if it is try pointing a rotating fan towards it. see if that helps
thats probably what my problem is. its not in a open area, its in a computer desk cabinet. i have to keep it in there locked up so no one can mess with it. there is a hole in the side of the cabnet to run wires through that i covered up so no light can escase but i will unplug the hole and see if the temp drops at all
thanks for the suggestion, idk why i had it set up the way i did but there was very poor ventilation in the cabinet where my box is stored. i put both 26 watt bulbs in and with the adjusted ventilation its a steady 80 degrees :) thanks again
i have another question for u..... today is the 4th day for my sprouts since i germinated and planted them and there only about a half inch tall. is that bad or r they ok? it just seems like there moving alone very slowly


New Member
its not somthing you should be to worried about. sometimes it takes a week to start seeing any leaves. im on my 5th day and still no leaves. some seedlings are just subborn
but if not then it is most likely not enough light. but you should be fine. try investing in some hps's if it continues


Nice job so far man, but increase the lumens like crazy. You NEED to have over a 100 watts of CFL light in there to do anything effective, trust me..I ended up adding more light...

Also root health is key, no good roots, no good flowers, resin, nothing. Make sure your growing medium is kept as healthy as possible...and give the plant some sort of root booster...which will bathe them in beneficial microbes and bacteria. Hopefully some mychorazzie fungai will develop! Sorry for the spelling...

Check out mine..I am about to begin flushing...I already have another one ready to go too
im currently using two 26 watt and one 15 watt cfl for one sprout. what do u suggest i use for a root booster? something i can get at home depot or a garden center
thats awesome man, i thought i was doing something wrong. im using 3 cfl bulbs now so i should be ok. ill post a picture of my sprout sometime today