pc grow box help!!!


hello new to this site stumbled upon through random google'ing

first off my pc grow box has one plant bagseed 1 46 watt cfl 1 42 watt cfl and a 26 ,i also have 2 brushless computer fans and one shitty cpu fan
anyways my plants are getting big fast! its been in budding since it grew its 3rd set of branches jan 1st ,....so its getting around that time but the buds the whole time they have been growing are very very fluffy and not very sticky. i didnt think anything of it and i showed my friend he said the fans are doing it with too much airflow , so.. i picked off a piece of the budd and its wet on the inside so i say its not drying out.
jw anyones opinion on this or if anyone else has had this problem anything is appreciated


your going to get airy bud because of your lack of light. the more light the denser the buds. or even the right type of light can be beter. i dont think your fan caused the problem at all.


i don t think it s the lights as they are 2700k with more than enough lumens each the wattage i posted wasnt the equivilent


Well-Known Member
Airy buds usually mean not enough light...so you picked a bud from your plant and its wet...thats how they are until they are dryed


im not new to growing im new to pc box growing i thought it might be a common problem in pc gro boxes . btw there is no room to fit more lights, the insides roof looks like tetris of cfls its so tight in there , its brighter than most grow rooms when its open