PC Gamers!


Well-Known Member
Ok so most of us are sitting here on a PC anyway. Who all spends some extra time gaming it up... maybe some CS Source players? COD4? or maybe even WoW!
Let us know, maybe we can get a game going. post your games and your PC specs if you want for bragging rights...

I guess Ill Start her off!

Games: COD4, CSS & just about any other FPS.

PC: Intel Q6600
4 gigs corsair xms DDR2
2TB of HD & 150gb raptor
Nvidia 8800 GTS 512
on vista with a samsung 22" LCD.
this computer is what I edit video with but when im not its plays COD4 very well.


Well-Known Member
mainly playing Team Fortress 2 right now, if anyone else is post and lets have a game


Well-Known Member
Im all over WC3 (dota especially) and Day of Defeat and Half Life 2: DM. I had to find other stuff to substitue WOW. That game took over my life harder than any drugs. I had to quit that shit before it killed my life.


Well-Known Member
Day of Defeat is source. I am not about to touch CS though. It got way hardcore and my skills got left in the dust.

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
i play source but my computer is starting to get shitty. i have lag problems now. where can i look for a good new computer? and i dont know how to build a computer myself, so the whole computer itself...


Well-Known Member
frys is a good place since they have some prebuilt systems for about $300 over what it would cost to build yourself... Its not that bad of a markup.


Well-Known Member
Im all over WC3 (dota especially) and Day of Defeat and Half Life 2: DM. I had to find other stuff to substitue WOW. That game took over my life harder than any drugs. I had to quit that shit before it killed my life.
Defense of the Ancients!! FUCK YEAH!!! <3

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
I only play and have only played one computer game for the past five years: that game

Battlefield 1942

It is the only video game I need.


Active Member
Thank god for this post lol I play it all baby! I've been getting my fix of WoW lately, but I also play a good deal of Counter Strike and Day of Defeat.