Passive or Forced Air intake?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys currently i dont have any fresh intakes in my room just oscillating fans. I was thinking of adding some passive intakes for fresh air
but im worried about smell coming through the intakes. I was thinking if i used forced air through the intakes that if the cfm of the exhaust matches then it should pull right through? If anybody can help me with this it would be appreciated not an expert on air movement thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Either way your babies need to breath! I'd go with passive intake, forced exhaust. You can put a carbon filter on the exhaust to control the odor during flowering. Works fine for me!

Good luck


Well-Known Member
the air must be exchanged every 3 to 5 minuites or they wont live. exhaust fan on out and opening on intake at least same size as out. need to create negative pressure. and you will need something for smell


Active Member
Hey this question applies for any bas ass electrician on here How tha hell can i wire my PC fans to work once removed from pc?. Detailed explanations PLEASE ! REEFA


Well-Known Member
so if i have a passive intake wont some smell seep out? But if i have fans blowing air in and a fan pulling air out it should have any odour leak out the intake should i? My plants are 4 weeks into flowering so i know they are getting enough air and are not dying from having no intake. I also have a uvonair 1000 for odour control as well as a 5lb carbon filter. If i go smaller on the intake fan than my exhaust shouldnt that create negative pressure? i have a 6inch exhaust with a inline fan.


Well-Known Member
yes it will. i`m just saying if your fan has the correct cfm for the size of room you dont need a fan on the intake the one pulling the air out will make the necesary negative pressure