Paradise Seeds Acid/Nebula


Hey guys, I am just finishing my first grow with a Sensi Star and two Northern Souls. Gonna cut down in about a week. Anyway, I started thinking about what I'm gonna hit next time around. I was thinking a more sativa dominant this time so I have some stuff for whatever mood I'm in; if i wanna fall asleep or do some creative thinking or anything like that. So I narrowed it down to Paradise Seeds' Nebula or Acid strain. Which one do you guys think I should go with? I have heard AMAZING things Diesel and am curious to see what it's all about. But, I saw Nebula and that one looks awesome too, so I came to you guys: Acid or Nebula?:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
why not one of each? paradise seeds does kick out the jams. check out sannies killing fields when you get a chance just ran a ten pack with killer results lovely sativa that produces! good luck and do a journal when you decide


Checked out the journal, cool stuff can't wait to see them take off! Also, I'll probably just go with the Acid. I have heard really great things about Diesel and I'll be sure to look into Killing Fields, I've never heard of it but I'll check it out. I'll also try and do a journal, as long as time permits. Have a good one guys.


Well-Known Member
nebula was nice when my buddy grew it out but their wasnt really anything he call a keeper from what he grew out but not bad at all for sure you might find a keeper in your pack who knows he only bought 1 pack so lol


You have probably already made your choice. Anyway, acid is great! The strain description couldn't be more spot on. Very creative, happy and confident high. Great taste.
Works well outside, even in colder climates.
Sometimes I actually forget that I'm high and start interacting with people I don't even know. Big difference from other strains I've tried. Normally I try to dodge any social interactions with people who shouldn't know.
Late evening you would probably want an indica. But during the day/early evening this is perfect.