Paper Bag curing method?


Well-Known Member
Im going to be putting my buds in paper bags today after i manicure them for the second time. Any recommendations? Any1 do paperbag method?

Ive heard of it just wanna get a heads up for whats coming/how often to burp them.. :joint:


Elite Rolling Society
I cut the longest branches, put them on a tin-foiled covered tray, and go to my kitchen table.
I have three boxes, one for the big FAN leaves. (for oil)
One box for the TRIM leaves, the leaves with trichomes on them, that I manicured odd the buds, FOR HASH. I've manicured much more since I learned how to make HASH. I want some naked STEM at the end of the buds to fasten my tape to, so I can hang it in the drying box.
One Box for the popcorn buds. (small buds with no stems)

I manicure them, and cut the leaves off.
I string masking tape across the box, making rows about 3 or 4 inches a part. I wrap a piece of masking tape, about 4 inches long, around the tip end of the stem, and hang it from the masking tape, in rows, not letting the buds touch each other. VERY IMPORTANT.
I separate the bigger buds from the smaller ones IN DIFFERENT BOXES.
I put the boxes in a dark room, NO DIRECT LIGHT, and blow a gentle oscillating fan across the top, but not on them.
The big buds take 7 days, the smaller ones 5 days.
If you dry them too much, you can add back moisture. If you do not dry them enough, you get wrotten buds.
Dry them til the end of the stem will SNAP when you break it, but not crispy dry.
The big buds take 7 days,the smaller ones 5 days.
Keep them in the dark with little light to see and inspect.
I never smoke them then, NEVER.
I then CURE them 30 days in wide mouth jars, opening the jar for ten seconds EVERYDAY , for 30 days.
Every day, I sniff them, smell them, for any funky moldy smell. If they do not smell right, then dry them outside the jar another day or two.
I've lost one jar, out of hundreds, the 30th day, it went bad. Bud MOLD.

I can not emphasis the importance and difference if you properly manicure, Dry AND Cure them. CURING MAKES A BIG MAJOR DIFFERENCE.
Cure 30 days?
Definitely, I do know for sure, I tried smoking buds cured for a only a week, for two weeks, three weeks and 4 weeks. You should try it too, and you will find what I found. Buds cure 4 weeks not only taste better, they burn better and get you higher too. It has something to do with some scientific complicated SUGAR PROCESSING. or the sugars change . I am 100% sure, you will agree, if you test it like I did. CURE FOR 30 DAYS!


Elite Rolling Society
I would agree with Senorsanteria, and NOT cure in a paper bag, sort of defeats the purpose. You should CURE in an airtight jar.


Well-Known Member
I thoght it was like a slow drying-curing process since the bag absorbes some moisture:confused:

..Right now i have the buds on newspapers still attatched to the stems.. Im going to cut them off..manicure some leaves..and put them in the paperbags one layer..for DRYING.. ill have to get jars asap because they are fairly brittle on the outside..just waitin for that stem to SNAP:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
The paper bags would have the same effect as the newspaper. Youre using the paper to absorb the moisture in the bud. If you keep them in paper for too long, theyll completely dry out and turn to dust when you break them up. That would defeat the purpose of a cure. A cure is to hold the right amount of moisture in the bud and let it become uniformally dry through the entire bud. By removing all of the moisture, there would be nothing to cure. Just mad dry buds. You could use the bag for drying bud after its been hung for a few days, but I wouldnt keep it in the bag for more than a week, if that.


Well-Known Member
My buds are light as hell already, and the stems havent snapped they are VERY crispy..

Im putting them in the paperbags today, and moving them to jars tomorrow..Hopefully its a decent yield:peace:


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the SAME THING.. Im just glad someone with experienced approved of me doing so.. I guess ill take em out of the bags either tonight/tomorrow and put them into jars..

How often should I burp? Every 12 hours or something?


Elite Rolling Society
I thoght it was like a slow drying-curing process since the bag absorbes some moisture:confused:

..Right now i have the buds on newspapers still attatched to the stems.. Im going to cut them off..manicure some leaves..and put them in the paperbags one layer..for DRYING.. ill have to get jars asap because they are fairly brittle on the outside..just waitin for that stem to SNAP:blsmoke:

I always save 3 or 4 inches of the thickest stems, from the base of the plant. I can cut them into two inch long pieces, and add them to the jars, for just a day, to add moisture, IF I mistakenly over-dry them.

I burp mine once a day, everyday, for 30 days.


Well-Known Member
I did overdry them:neutral:.. Im thinking I need to add a leaf or something to the jar?

My friend says they're not cured but when i weigh them they are light as shit..crumbly..idk leaf/orange peel/?

Any suggestions?


Elite Rolling Society
Dude, go back ONE page and read my last post.
DRYING and CURING are two distinctly different processes.