paitence is a virtue


Active Member
Ok so to the moons like me out there rushing to get that killer bud that YOU'VE grown wait and think thing out clearly
Soooo I bought a 1000watt hps and rushed to put it up and had surgery so I wasn't at home I've learned a big lesson i want to share with everyone
Before: imag0160f.jpg
After: imag0182h.jpg
My learning experience.!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Shit what happened???? its gone from killer bud to killed bud. How did this happen bro ? too close?
No closer than 2' (prefer 3') with a 1000 watter. Or did the room get super hot?
View attachment 1930731


Well-Known Member
Sorry to see you fried your girl. I wanted to put a 1000w setup in my 4x4x7 tent, but the guy at the hydro shop that it would be way to hot for the tent. I, luckily, had someone advise me not to buy the wrong light. Hope things go better from here