Pain Pain Go Away!


Active Member
Pain is a four letter word I live with daily. I am sooo sick of taking opiates and other drugs. I know there are certain strains of marijuana that are great for back pain, but won't leave you stoned out of your mind and unable to function. I could use some good advice on which types of strains to take in the morning so I can function and in the evening to help me sleep and take the nightmares away. Any advice is good advice. I am desperately seeking help! kj:wall:


Well-Known Member
Anxiety and stress are the most common causes of nightmares. A major life event occurs before the nightmare in most cases.
Other causes of nightmares include:
  • Illness with a fever
  • Death of a loved one (bereavement)
  • Reaction to or side effect of a drug
  • Recent withdrawal from a drug, such as sleeping pills...
  • High Blood Sugar Levels.
as far as strains that kill pain. good luck with that one. ;p they might make you not THINK about the pain, but it's not going to do anything to your NERVES like the opiates do. that just as far as i know.. i've tried all kinda different weed.. but there might be something out there.. keep searching ..


Well-Known Member
Sadly most strains that help for pain get you messed up. I hear Chocolate Chunk is about as good as you get for pain reduction while being clear headed.


New Member
any kush will help with pain...but if you dont have a tolerance for kush u may not be able to function.... or just take little hits and smoke less??