p!ssed off

Grow mo

Active Member
so a few days ago i had a clone (bringing it home was a stupid ass idea) and i noticed it may have had powdery mildew, so i chopped it and now im pretty sure my 28 seedlings are gonna get it, wtf do i do. still not totally sure if it was PM though. it was jus a powder stuff on the leaves but there wasnt a ton of it and only on a couple leaves (all the pics i see the plant is jus totally F'd with the mildew so i dont have a good comparison). im really scared. so much money dude. so much. the part im really pissed about is its systematic so they say you cant get rid of it.. also i was spraying the plant with neem oil, maybe the stuff stuff on the leaves is from old neem oil? (probably jus in denial though).


Well-Known Member
do you have any pics? Is it possible that it's spidermites? Neem oil should take care of pm and doesn't leave any residue so I don't think its from the Neem oil. Sulfur burners work good at preventing PM


Active Member
grow mo, just toss the plant. that is what i have heard. PM is systemic so it is like plant herpes, so you cant get rid of it just keep it at bay. i am in the same boat as you man, just spent 100 bucks on og kush clones and one had PM. i just noticed yesterday and the clones have been in my room for 10 days. i just sprayed all my plants with neem. i hope i caught it early enough that i didnt spread to my other plants. i was actually a newb and didn't notice the leaves were already shiny when i bought them, so i guess the guy i got them from is already battle it. wish he would have let me know a head of time lol


Active Member
Theres a product called eagle 20, that will in fact destroy pm. The problem is, you can only use it in veg, its toxic and needs 30 days in order to be gone residually.

Do some more looking around and I'm sure you can find more info on it.

happy growing