Ozone or Carbon? what u perfer


Well-Known Member
well better is debatable but id say carbon because it isnt harmful to ya, but if noise is an issue ozone would be a better choice


Well-Known Member
I like carbon better but maybe I just need to pump more ozone in the room, plus the plants smell different in the end.


Well-Known Member
if money were no object i would deffinitely opt for a 600 dollar carbon scrubber. right now money is an object so i will opt for a 200 dollar ozone generator.

the previous link makes it sound like Ozone Generators may not even work, i can attest that they do in fact work. i was growing several dozen Master Kush plants to about 4 ft in height in the middle of a ghetto trailer park with neighbors all around me. i could barely smell the weed when i was in my own trailer. but, i could smell the ozonewhen it was running. i was using a UvonAir4000 i beleive, 15 minutes on 45 minutes off. And it did give me some minor lung irritation even though my bedroom was 20 ft away from the generator. So.... Buyer Beware.