Oxycontin is now a problem for Rona Ambrose


Well-Known Member
So now we use science as a basis for decision making and not sticking our head in the sand...

"She denied that it was a mistake to approve the generics in the first place. “It wasn’t a mistake. The framework in which Health Canada scientists were making the decision was ‘Is this effective for pain relief?’, without looking at the other implications for public health. So that’s why we’re going to change it.”

Why are you trying to fuck with my garden then? hypocrites

"Hedy Fry, the Liberal health critic, said Ambrose signalled the expansion of opioid supply by generic manufacturers was a concern two years ago, but has done nothing about it."

What is her job's responsibilities if its not to protect canadians and watch over health canada's mandate?

“During that time there have been increasing addiction numbers in Canada, particularly among First Nations. Excuse my cynicism but this is an election year,” she said. “She is worried this is going to come back to haunt her, so she is doing something about it.”"


They are hypocrites of the highest degree. First comment after the article is about cannabis and is 100% accurate.


Well-Known Member
Rona Ambrose is a problem for sick Canadians. I just clicked the National Post website and three of the stories were Rona with her oxy's, "How we drink: Here’s everything you need to know about Canadians’ overall boozy habits" and directly underneath that story "Alcohol kills more people worldwide than HIV, AIDS, violence and tuberculosis combined: report". They glorify drinking for the May 2-4 as a Canadian tradition and then run a story about how deadly it is. But they can't prescribe pot to someone who gets relief from it because of health risks? How can they not see the hypocrisy?


Well-Known Member
Rich smug people dont get sick they live forever to torutre the rest of us for as long as possible.
Once someone they love is effected they will gladly switch priorities on a dime.
Plus its hard to see whats really going on in the world when u spend ur life with ur head buried in a dictators ass