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The OwnPlant is the wold first open source outdoor Growbox.
It was specially developed for everyone, no matter how small his balcony is, to allow the cultivation of plants without disturbing his neighbours. It has a high-quality and therefore very quiet ventilation system. By not using an LED lamp, the power consumption was reduced by approx 95%. Which makes him unbeatable in terms of environmental protection and operating costs compared to the competition. It needs No complicated cultivation methods only plants that start to flower automatically Plant and Play. Areas that were not previously suitable for growing plants can now be developed because the plant is also protected from the cold Weather and rain. No matter what may come your supply of the plant that is most important to you can now ensure regardless of governmental patronage and industrial additives. You own now your own means of production that change the structure the principle. They are also independent of spare parts producers because almost exclusively standard parts were installed and it can be assumed that they will be available for a very, very long time. You should need about 2 days to build. He is fully removable until to the last screw. All printed parts, drawings and instructions are free available for download. It was designed in such a way that creativity for extensions and backwards compatible upgrades are have no limits. Because each part is freely available, it is possible for everyone to implement their own ideas and to share them again. You can copy and change every part if you give me as a source.

OwnPlant by OwnPlant
OwnPlantThe Pick list and the instructions is in the PDF you can download this by the Files!!!The OwnPlant is the wold first open source outdoor Growbox.It was specially developed for everyone, no matter how small his balcony is, to allow the cultivation of plants without disturbing his...