overwatering or nutrient deffiecency?


Well-Known Member
well am inclined to say nutes, and i can't see real well but are the tips purplish or redish cuz that would indicate potassium deff but, but i think if you want help you need to let us know how many times you water and what soil that is
sorry about that... i water every 3 days havent gave it any nutes just regualar pre fertilized potting soil.and its like a light brown starting from the tips of the leaves spreading.also,ive been adding superthrive midway into the grow.


New Member
well looks like your soil is way to hot i would suggest transplanting into something without any releasig nutes every time you water your releasing ferts
its some potting soil from osh no npk ratio in sight all it says is its pre-fertilized.im kinda short on cash so any cheap soil suggestions for a smooth transplant?


Well-Known Member
Over watered, stressed from playing with the light cycle etc etc. These are seedlings, they need routine, precise routines. It might take a seedling that size in a pot that size, about a week before it needs watering again.

The baby roots are stressed and are not spreading out through the soil. My guess is that they have headed straight to the bottom of the pot and thats about it, they be drowing at the bottom in the moisture.

Your best remedy is to leave them under a constant light cycle of 18 hours on and 6 hours off and give them time to heal from the constant shocks and time to grow some roots. From roots you get the nice growth spurt we all look forward to in our plants.
thanks i have been playing with the light cycle too much switching from 24/0 to 18/6 also i bought a new thermometer says its in the mid 90s.o so many problems :/im not gonna stress it to much but my plants are probly going to