

Well-Known Member
Living soil, 30 gallon, kush, 79 degrees, 64rh,, topdress with minimal additives,

I believe I over watered her early on and had nitrogen tox. Not sure if she just is finicky because of that or what. I just gave her 1.5 gallons and she always droops. I give her that 3x a week. I don’t think it’s a drainage problem. I had them straight on the floor and suspended them recently to add air flow on the bottoms of the smart pots. Just really disappointed with this. Any advice appreciated.



Well-Known Member
It is still a watering problem. At peak in 7.5gal bags I water up to 1.5gal per container every 2 days.

A 30gallon container needs a lot more water than that -- less often.

In living soil you dont want it to dry out fully, but it does need to dry out mostly still. Try to discipline yourself towards waiting longer, and then watering more when you do. Another important thing is how much it consumes varies A LOT throughout flower. You need a method to determine when its mostly dry, and then water the entire container to slight or no runoff. It should take 5 gallons or more to water that container ime. Very slow watering, say a gallon to start, and nice breaks between watering rounds. I.e gallon, wait 10 min, gallon, wait...as it gets close to saturated, add 1/2 gal at a time, quart. After a couple good wet dry cycles you should find the current amount it needs in total.

30 gallons isnt going to suddenly dry out and kill them...be patient!