

Active Member
hey guys,

just moved my two babies onto 12/12 last night, however, as youll see from the picture the temprature has all but **** them right up. i could only get a 400w HPS and not a 200 when i needed it, so went with this light, but it seems to produce too much heat for the small amount of space i have.

what if anything can i do to help the plants now, and what if anything can i do about the heat issue, when i saw theyd witherd like they had i checked the temp and it was topping 100 :( that it had achieved in a little over ten minutes.

to keep the temp around 80 i have to keep the doors of the cupboard open, which kinda kills any concept of stealth lol.

sad day, any advice much much welcomed.


mr west

Well-Known Member
u need some extraction in ur cab, i got a small wardrobe grow with a 400w hps and have to have the doors open a bit to keep it round 80. Get yaself a small extracter fan and change the air regularly, should help to keep ur temps down.


New Member
You need a fan and you need to exchange the air, even 80 is to hot 75 is perfect, get yourself a book and read up on whats good and whats not, can you not make a small vent to let out the hot air.


Active Member
and anything i might be able to make the plant happier too? obivously dont over water etc. but any other advice - is the plant on the right a gonner or can it come back from this kinda roasting? thanks :)


Active Member
iv actually read conflicting views about the temps some people saying 80 - 85 is fine?!

i know about the intake and outake, currently trying to borrow me a jigsaw to take care of it - i just didnt imagine the difference in temps this would make so quickly and the devastating effect its had on them. oh newbie.

honest, iv read loads, still making newbie mistakes tho :( guess you gotta learn by doing hey.


Active Member
Everyone has already mentioned intake, and outtake. Thats a must, that would absolutely drop temp! But another fan blowing directly on your light would help cool things down, though im aware ur working with little space!


Active Member
thanks guys... can these plants recover? are the leaves at the top that are burned just wastage now? should i just start from the beginning again and destroy these plants?


Active Member
A perfectionist would probley kill'em! Not me i would leave your cabinet door open, for the time being, but A.S.A.P. Get those vents & fans installed like today or tomorrow!!! Then i would go from there.


Active Member
thank you... so i should be seeing a recovery and more growth in the next 24 - 48 hours, and if not i'll probably try cloning the better one and starting again. natures hardly a perfectionist. you should see the state of me!