overfed, underfed, or something else?


I'm around a month into flowering and I can't seem to get my plants fully healthy. The tops have looked fine with no tip burn. They have a bunch of tiny yellowish white spots, though. A few of them are starting to lighten all over. The lower leaves have been turning yellow rather quickly. The tips on some of the lower leaves are yellow with some brown. They appear to be eating themselves. I feed them around a tablespoon of Foxfarm Big Bloom every other day with a weekly flush. Can anyone diagnose this? The unhealthy bottoms are my main concern. If anyone knows anything about the little spots, that would be very helpful, too. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Check the underside of the leaves for bugs, especially spidermite.
I thought my plant was just nearing end of flower, but it was spidermite! :(


Well-Known Member
i got mites and it sounds familiar, get some neem oil and feed and spray mixed with dish soap and water, 5ml neem with couple drops soap and 2 litres water , shake n spray at lights out


Thanks. I almost forgot about mites and I've got them. Do I spray all over or just on the underside where they live? Heavy or light spray? Also, do u think the mites are causing all of my problems or could feeding be an issue, too?


Active Member
If your scared of dumping chems on your buds try soapy water shaken in a spray bottle. Your plants arent to far along so the soap wont stay in the plants.

Me I like to keep plants breathing to avoid mites and other issues.


Breathing? Do you mean I need more fresh air? Are you saying I should use soap (dawn?) alone or with the oil? All over or just underside of leaves? Again, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this help. I work 2 jobs along with growing, so I don't have much time for extensive research.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I almost forgot about mites and I've got them. Do I spray all over or just on the underside where they live? Heavy or light spray? Also, do u think the mites are causing all of my problems or could feeding be an issue, too?
mites take all the goodness and plant gets none, 5ml neem oil, few drops of mild dish soap, mix with 2 litres water till well mixed and spray whole plant, pot and soil, make sure plants are waterd before you do it and then lights off for 12 hours, repeat at 4 day intervals til the nbastards are gone then once a week to prevent more