overdried while hanging

joliet jake

Active Member
So I messed up and hung my good Purple Wreck to long before putting it in jars. Sucks being in Arizona as there is no humidity so the shit dries very fast.

so my question is:
I have jarred it and its around 40% and i don't think its going to get any higher for the optimal cure zone % so what can i do, if anything to either cure it or get that wonderful smell after a good cure?
any ideas?



Misguided Angel
In my experience once you overdry it is too late. You can throw some fan leaves in the jar to try and moisten the buds up a bit but as for a proper cure, that boat has sailed. I'm sure everyone one has done it at one point, the trick is to learn from it. I live in a pretty dry area myself and use a humidifier in my drying area to keep the humidity in the optimum zone. Not to say your buds won't be decent, just not to their full potential. Good luck!