Overabundance of seeds, what to do?

First time poster, 30+ year grower....and casual lurker.

I have a bunch of freebies from GLG, plus some seeds from strains that I already grew out...probably around 50 or so seeds that I don't really need.

I have seeds from the strains I want to keep, but I'm thinking of just grabbing a shovel, making a divot in the field, and popping in the extra seeds every 5 feet and letting nature take its course. I'll help out and water when needed, and remove the males, but it seems that they should all have a chance to do their thing.

I'd sow them all over and leave them, but that is super irresponsible to others. I always appreciate free seed packs and I always keep a few from every grow, but I don't have the time or room to grow them all out.

What do you all do with your extra/unwanted seeds?

I'll be focusing my attention on the skunk hash plants that will be my main outdoor grow, and I'm just finishing up indoor midnight cowboy (Mendo purple x wookie)
Depending on what state you are in I'd either donate, barter or trade with others in your community. Seems like a waste to just dump seeds and see how things work out. Guessing you know all the hazards of growing outdoors, without a gardener stepping in and doing the required work the plants will likely mold once the rains set in.
Wana have some fun??

Pop a seed at the base of a drip sprinkler in the landscaping of your favorite drive-thru joint :lol: Watch that sucker grow throughout the "season" until someone spots it and swipes it.
Depending on what state you are in I'd either donate, barter or trade with others in your community. Seems like a waste to just dump seeds and see how things work out. Guessing you know all the hazards of growing outdoors, without a gardener stepping in and doing the required work the plants will likely mold once the rains set in.

I have a friend who almost never attends to his various outdoor plants, just sprouts some in April, puts them in the ground in May and goes back in October to harvest. This is northernish New England. He does lose some plants to rot, but his harvests are quite large for his personal use (and the friends that help with the clipping, etc, lol). His plants, at least the ones that survive, are generally monsters. I think he goes back to top dress around the plants once or twice, but other than carefully picking spots where they’ll get enough water and not be molested, nothing.

I would sprout them first indoors, then put them in the ground and see what happens. I’m taking this approach this summer as well, along with some more controlled approaches.
I make seeds ... primarily to give away or for myself...but with the extras I scatter them along river banks or the west facing slopes in the mountains near a spring while I am out riding horses everyday. Clones too...usually just let them go to do their thing and hopefully overgrow again every year after that...
Give it away or grow it out or prepare it correctly and freeze that shit right and then u can pass it on to future generations if we havent nuked ourselves out of existence in the near future of course first but personally the ones i dont grow or aint keeping for reasons i tend to give to friends and stuff especially if its something i know they will like