Over Watering


Well-Known Member
first sign is that your leaves go limp after watering and stay that way for more then an hour. well and for more then plain over watering, your babies leaves turn yellow and totally limp.

cures: less water, soil or medium supporting proper drainage and drainage holes in the bottom of your pots:)


Active Member
Thanx For The Informaion.....some Leaves Are Turning Upwards And Some Are Downa Nd Limp Only Maybe 2-3 Leaves Are Yellowed I Am Working On Pics May Be More Informative Than Words Thanx


Well-Known Member
Leaves that are drooping from overwatering will be firm and curled down, even from the stem of the leaf.


Yellowed, droopy and wilting leaves (possibly exhibiting mineral deficiencies). Leaf curl over - ram's horns' - roots are unable to uptake nutrients at that strength because they are infected.
pH becomes more acidic (pH should rise slowly in a healthy system)
'Burnt' root tips (browning tips may also be a result of light exposure, or over fertilization)
Reduced water consumption and rising nutrient strength
Brown colored roots. (Note: GH "Micro" will stain roots brown as well; stain darkens @ ppm's. Healthy root should be white or slightly tan)

Brown and slimy roots with a slight to strong rotting odor. Plant may appear healthy.
Reddish and swollen root collar, becoming blackened over time. Eventually the plant will fall over as all connecting tissue will have been 'eaten away'.

Note: Root damage is permanent; new root hairs can form, but damaged roots will not regenerate. Lightly infected roots may turn white again if treated promptly.

Dead roots serve as energy sources for pythium; snip off dead roots and remove flating root piece by changing the tank frequently.

Physical test of advanced root rot:
"Brown tissue on the outer portion of the root easily pulls off, leaving a thin strand of hair-like vascular tissue exposed."