Over watering? Nutrient lock out? Pics included.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone help me pin this down? What's going on here? They were in solo cups a week ago getting 750 ppm of GH, green and healthy, went into 3 gallon pots and now look like this. The strain has been run before, GH nutes 1000 ppms. 70/30 coco perlite only mix. Thank you all for any help or advice.


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Can anyone help me pin this down? What's going on here? They were in solo cups a week ago getting 750 ppm of GH, green and healthy, went into 3 gallon pots and now look like this. The strain has been run before, GH nutes 1000 ppms. 70/30 coco perlite only mix. Thank you all for any help or advice.

Something off w/ the nutes or roots imo, your stem/stalk color is off bad.
How often/much do you water?

Can you post pics on normal light? And any pics of what they looked like a week ago?
I believe these have only been watered once in the last 5 days. There's a pic in normal light. No pics from before but there's a ton of clones where they came from that all look fine still.


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Yeah, those purple stems say it's a clear case of over-fertilization. I would cut your fertilizer in half for now or around 600ppm, then ease up to about 800ppm. Run-off at 1500 is wild. I also don't recommend watering until the coco has started to dry a tiny bit (about top 1/4 inch). Over-watering and over-fertilization go hand in hand. I love a good moisture meter, but the cheap ones are garbage. Then when you water, make sure you have about 5-10% of your container volume runoff each time and test it. If the runoff ppm is ever higher than the input, you have a build-up issue. Runoff should always test lower.
Yeah, those purple stems say it's a clear case of over-fertilization. I would cut your fertilizer in half for now or around 600ppm, then ease up to about 800ppm. Run-off at 1500 is wild. I also don't recommend watering until the coco has started to dry a tiny bit (about top 1/4 inch). Over-watering and over-fertilization go hand in hand. I love a good moisture meter, but the cheap ones are garbage. Then when you water, make sure you have about 5-10% of your container volume runoff each time and test it. If the runoff ppm is ever higher than the input, you have a build-up issue. Runoff should always test lower.

This is wrong. If anything it is a nutrient DEFICIENCY. Phosphorous. Look it up.

This is wrong. If anything it is a nutrient DEFICIENCY. Phosphorous. Look it up.

Could be either one really. Lockout and deficiencies can appear similar but have very different causes.

If OP is feeding 1000 ppm of a balanced, tried and true nutrient line (GH), and runoff ppm is 1.5x what is going in, then I'd lean more towards a lockout.
How the hell are we gona help you if you're not in charge of the grow?? Who is?? Can THEY post on here? You're probably leaving out details that allow us to help you.

IMO your pH is off, and your rootzone PPM is probably super high and locking out out what looks to be potassium due to lack of runoff. General Hydroponics and coco-grown plants go together like peanut butter and jelly& is one of the easiest ways to grow, you shouldn't have problems like this.
Lockout. Feed it a microbial tea to break down those buildups. No nutes until runoff under 650 or so judging by plant size. 5 days in coco is a bit long should be ready for water like day 4 after fresh transplant, 5th day being dry; def leaning to root zone issues. A good tea should get u back up and running. I’m no Dr.B but just my opinion.