Over fertilizing or "burning" plants

You know, I was thinking about that rule of thumb when mixing your nutrient solution. It's to use one quarter or one half (1/4 or 1/2) of the amount (volume) that the fertilizer maker states in their directions.

Why is this a rule of thumb? Is there any reason why the manufacturers recommend using 400% of the amount?

At first I thought that they inflate the amount because doing so i helpful in that customers will use up more solution faster and will need more fertilizer sooner. But that's sort of a cynical and not constructive opinion.

Then I realized that what it must be, is that some container plants that might need nutrients are not Cannabis, and might be more nutrient needy than Cannabis.

But then why don't they suggest a range in their directions.

Is there any other reason or time when the recommended strength is the amount you ought to use to feed Cannabis? for example Grow Big is a weak, or dilute solution and the directions are about accurate for Cannabis.

I think fewer people would learn about overdoing the nutrients, the hard way. That is, except for organic soil growers who rarely have that problem.

Just some thoughts