Over Fert with only 700ppm


Active Member
I have 6 plants that are going to be mother. I use tap water which has 150ppm. I add ferts which increases the ppm to around 700. the plants are about 1 1/2 months old and about 1.5 to 2 feet tall. They all show over fert signs with burnt tip (old and new growth). I guess i should lower the ppm but i am looking for any help. i run a airstone in 5 gal buckets with 1000watt mh.​


Active Member
If it looks wrong it is wrong.

The question is, are they growing well, or were they? Maybe they just don't need much.

The other question is, did you accidentally mix two parts B instead of one part each of A and B? I've done that and it burned the fuck out of everything but I didn't know it until much later.