Outside growbox build. Need to keep her warm.


Well-Known Member
This cabinet is going in an unheated garage attic. Right now the temps vary but are usually in the 30's so I need to keep the heat in as much as possible. It also needs to be on a budget. I'll be using lowryder #2 because I have a ton of seeds from a seed run in the fall and I can keep the light cycle at 20/4.

The inside footprint of the cab is 22 1/2" wide by 16" deep and the total height is 72". The inside height of the top is 32 1/2", the middle height is 14" and the bottom is 21".

My idea so far is to use the top as a grow chamber and the middle will get a small ceramic space heater with a pc fan blowing into the grow chamber and a passive intake from the grow chamber not directly outside. The inside of the heating area will be covered in cement board for fire resistance. Hopefully I'll only have to use this heater during lights out. I won't be using the bottom chamber.

The grow chamber walls will be covered in 3/4" styrofoam insulation board that has a mylar type reflective face (looks like a heating blanket). They sell it at home depot but I already have a sheet. I'm going to light it with a 150w hps econolight that is on order and I'll make a home made reflector when it comes in. There will be a passive intake from the outside and a pc fan blowing outside for fresh air intake. I'm going to put this on a thermostat to keep the box from getting to cold.

Do you guys think I should take out the middle chamber which would give me about 48" of height in the grow chamber and use the bottom compartment for the heat? I thought that it would be easier to heat the with the light if the grow area was smaller.

Construction is hopefully going to start tomorrow so any advice or problems that you all see as I go would be appreciated.. This is going to take a few days because I don't have much time this week but I'm going to keep this build updated with pics as I go..



Well-Known Member
are you going for a veg and flower space? bottom would be best for flow( though its only a couple inches taller if u go through with losing the middle which i would) the heat from the light should be sufficiant for all under and the good thing with heat it rises , sour chamber above will get some benifit. Aslong as its insulated well and ur not snowed in all the time i cant see it being so cold , smaller spaces hold heat better so good move not going crazy big with it.
i could be wrong , i dont know ur light , it could run kinda cool compared to what im thinkin - but if that happens maybe go for a totally unbenificial bulb ( apart from sum warmth) for a cheap fix


Well-Known Member
The top is for veg and flower. I was going to put a small heater in the bottom or middle with a pc fan to the growing chamber and an intake from the growing chamber hopefully just for when lights are out.