outdoor strains for the netherlands


Helle folks,

Im looking for new strains that i can juse in the Dutch klimat. ( Thats also the reason i made an acount over here )
Im always looking for new plants to try out to find the ultimate out side plants for ore klimate.

As some of you will know the dutch klimate isnt the greatested. we have 3 months summer. and of that 3 months it rains 1 month :cuss:

Zo i would like to trade stains.

i have ierdbei f5 selected on early flouwering and green weed.
also i have ierdbei f5 x danish pasion the danish pasion is a plant that flouwers realy early. the ierdbei flouwers som later and longer and gifs you hard compakt tops that are quit mold resisted.

for more info about this strains try google

sorry for the crapy english :wall:

thats all folks