Outdoor reggie first time grow

Hey guys mlkybongrips here.
Im growning some reggie bagseeds i got a while back from some icky brown seedy weed and seen alot of discussions on y u should do this why u shouldnt. Since its my first grow outdoor i thought i should document it with pics and ask other experienced growers for some inside help. I wont be using nutes or ph balancers. The only thing i am using is some miracle grow because ive seen other discussions on that as well so i thought i might as well try that out as well. My plants are 5 almost 6 weeks from seed and have been transplanted a total of 3 times. Once from a white Styrofoam cup, second time into beginner pots i got from dollar tree and inti the final pot that they are in right now. They were germinated in a paper towel and baggie for a total of 3 days undisturbed till they were put into the soil.
I currently have 1 male that seens to be forming his "balls" i will keep this because if i like the genetics of one of the females i will cross pollinate to see what i can get, but that will be another journal.
I have 6 plants and out of the 6 only 2 have ever shared the same pot. They fought for dominance for a total of 3 weeks till they were tansplanted the first time to which they both perked up but lost their first true leaves so i am interested to see how those turn out. I check them every morning so as i check them i will keep the journal updated.
It is wed jun 26 2019
Please forgive the spelling mistakes not illiterate just lazy
Sorry for the long postbongsmilie
These are the pictures and the orders will be as follow
First pic: the pots they are in and the height of them
Second pic is the male and where it is forming the balls
Third pic are the 2 the fought for dominance
And lastly the girls
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Hey guys it is the 28th of june abput 2 days after i started my grow the girls are getting bigger while thr boy continues to swell with balls. The two that fought for dominance seem to be doing pretty well i only have one pic for yall today and its a lil bee fSnapchat-1806390218.jpg riend who decided to join my plants