Outdoor question

Is it possible to grow without checking on the plants every day? If a plant is left on its own for a whole summer, will it have any chance of growing? thanks


Deer, squirrels, bugs, etc.

If your going to try it, put it in a 5 gallon bucket deep in some sticker bushes, wrap a big area in chicken wire domed around it. Then pour coyote piss around the perimeter of the plant. Visit it weekly with water and pest killers and you might have a chance.


Well-Known Member
There are far too many variables out in the wild to expect a single plant to survive without care. Not to mention you might get a male anyways. The best way to do it if you really dont want to put forth any effort is to plant 20-30 plants, visit once to weed the males out in august, then again in late october to harvest.

Good luck and cover your tracks :joint:


Active Member
You can do it. Don't coun't on a big yield though. I had one last year that I checked once, I got about a quarter dried off it so unless you want a plant you can smoke in a couple days you want take care of it.